

Catalog excerpts

Franseen - 1

Chiba needle for cyto-histological biopsy of fibrous lesions, Franseen style type Franseen (PEF) is a needle designed for aspiration of soft tissues masses such as thyroid, llymph nodes, breast and lung. s es The device allows to obtain cylindrical biopsy specimens for histological analysis. Franseen needle is provided with cannula and stylet with “crown sharpening” perfectly coupled one to eachother to penetrate and take fibrous or calcified samples. Centimeter markings and sliding stopper on the cannula enhance an easy determination of the insertion depth. Franseen needle has a transparent Luer lock connector for a good visibility during the aspiration procedures. The needle is coloured according to the international colour code in order to help the user to identify the device gauge. CYTOLOGICAL ASPIRATION M.D.L. Srl Via Tavani 1/a – 23014 – Delebio (So) Italy Tel +39 -0342 682130 Fax +39 0342 691316 email : web : www

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