

Catalog excerpts

GalaKitDuo - 1

Kit for galactography consisting of two dilators with diameter 0.25 e 0.30 mm, 1 ml syringe, Luer extention and rounded blunt endpoint needle GalaKitDuo (PZY) is a kit for injection of contrast fluids into galactophorous ducts. It includes two dilators having a cannula with blunt ends to minimize the probability of damage of the ducts wall. Needle gauge size is stamped on the needle surface. GalakitDuo is supplied with 30G needle with rounded blunt tip. The needle can be provided with two different versions: - curved tip (PZYC) - straight tip (PZYD) M.D.L. Srl Via Tavani 1/a – 23014 – Delebio (So) Italy Tel +39 -0342 682130 Fax +39 0342 691316 email : web :

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