

Catalog excerpts

Intro - 1

Coaxial introducer needles Intro (PT) is a coaxial introducer needle used as an insertion guide for cannulas, biopsy devices, catheters, breast localization wires or other devices in the human body. Intro allows the execution of multiple procedures simoultaneously into the patient: the biopsy needle, moving through the introducer needle, can be unloaded and reloaded several times. Intro is supplied with stylet with lowest possible pain for the patient. trocar tip designed to perform tissue penetration with the Stylet hub is coloured according to the international colour codes. Universal luer lock and handle are made with transparent plastic material to facilitate the fluid passage visibility. Centimeter markings and sliding stopper enhance an easy determination of the insertion depth with a maximum safety for the patient. Outer diameter Gauge of the needle to introduce 14G Inside diameter Optionally NeedleVise®safety device can be added (PTR M.D.L. Srl Via Tavani 1/a – 23014 – Delebio (So) Italy Tel +39 -0342 682130 Fax +39 0342 691316 email : web : Soft tissue biopsy SOFT TISSUE BIOPSY

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All M.D.L. catalogs and technical brochures

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