Catalog excerpts

Blood Grouping Chemiluminescence Analysis Molecular Diagnosis
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Chemiluminescence Analysis Comprehensive Test Menu Cardiac Marker Coagulation Marker Inflammation Marker Thyroid Function Fertility & Hormones β-HCG,PROG,AMH,FSH, LH,E2,TESTO,PRL Tumor Marker
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Immu F6 Automated Chemiluminescence Immunoassay Analyzer Point-of-care analyzer exceeding laboratory quality standards Reliable results Chemiluminescence technology, high sensitivity High correlation with top brands Low risk for contamination between samples and reagents using single-use cartridges Whole blood testing Single-use cartridge 13.5 minutes to first results Random access Flexible testing Single-use cartridge, always ready to run without unnecessary waste Random access, continuously loading without interruption Fully automated, 3 step-operation Whole blood, plasma, serum sampling,...
Open the catalog to page 4
Guiding personal- antiplatelet drugs Thromboelastometry is a detection technology that detects the coagulation process from the entire dynamic process and evalu- ates the overall picture of coagulation. Only a small amount of whole blood can fully reflect the interaction between coagulation factors, plasmin, platelets and other cellular components during the whole process from coagulation to fibrinolysis. It is mainly used for the comprehensive detection of the whole nent blood thrombosis risk guided compotransfusion Thromboelastography Analysis System ized therapy with process of...
Open the catalog to page 5
Kaolin activation Common parameters: R, K, Angle, MA, LY30 TEST MENU MAck (Basic curve) MAADP/AA (Drug curve) MAF (Fibrin curve) Comprehensive test menu Test Clinical significance Kaolin Activation Reagent It reflects the whole picture of coagulation, assists in judging the risk of thrombosis or bleeding, and hyperfibrinolysis. Guiding the use of component blood transfusion and coagulation-related drugs Rapid assessment of function including coagulation factors, platelets, and fibrinolytic systems. Guide the use of blood transfusion and coagulation-related drugs, and provide ACT values Rapid...
Open the catalog to page 6
Haema TX Fully automated Thromboelastography Analyzer Haema T4 Thromboelastography Analyzer High throughput 12 independent channels, ≥48 tests per hour Up to 60 reaction cups capacity with continuous loading Samples continuous loading with up to 30 capacity Intelligent reagent management 10 independent reagent positions, including 4 automatic mixing positions All liquid reagents support all-time on-board refrigeration Auto-scan of reagents All-in-one design integrated computer built-in barcode scanner 4 independent channels 4 built-in incubators Sample aspiration without removing caps...
Open the catalog to page 7
Blood Grouping
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Fully Automated Blood Grouping Analyzer Sample management Indicator light management Immediate sample barcode scanning Alarm flashinglight Continuous loading without test Running status indicator light Sample loading racks 6 sample racks and up to 96 samples Reagent racks Reagent management Centrifuge system Loadable withup to 14 reagent vials Continuous loading without test Automatic remaining amount reminder Automatic shaking of red blood cell reagents Gel cards management 288 gel cards capacity Supports ful-box loading Automatic barcode scanning Continuous loading without test Pipetting...
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8-column agglutination technology (CAT) for Immunohematology Perfectly works with Capacity for 12 Gel cards Electronic control lock One-button operation Fixed parameter Timer function Alarm reminder Fully Automated Analyzer: Medcaptain BT-70 Electronic control lock One-button operation Fixed parameter Semi-automated workstations: BT Centrifuge and BT Incubator Timer function Alarm reminder BT Incubator BT ABO-D confirm BT Rh Pheno (To identify the antigens of the Rh system) BT-Coombs (For screening and identification of unexpected antibodies, crossmatch tests, etc.) Capacity for 24 Gel cards...
Open the catalog to page 10
Molecular Diagnosis Comprehensive test menu Product COVID-19 Dual (N&O) COVID-19 Triple (N&O&S) COVID-19 Solution Enterovirus Human Enterovirus A71 & CoxsackieVirus A16 Influenza A Virus,Influenza B Virus & COVID-19 Influenza A Virus, Influenza B Virus, COVID-19 Virus & Respiratory Syncytial Virus Enteric Solution Human Parechovirus Noro Virus Listeria Monoytogenes Multiple Enteric Pathogens Influenza A Virus & Influenza B Virus Multiple Meningitis Bacterial Pathogens Human Parainfluenza Virus Meningitis Solution Neisseria Meningitidis Respiratory Syncytial Virus Streptococcus Agalactiae Human...
Open the catalog to page 11
Total Molecular Diagnostic Solutions Sample preparation Nucleic Acid Extractor Automated Tube Capper & Decapper Nucleic Acid Extractor Capping & decapping can be completed with one hand within 1 second Compatible with 99.9% of sample tubes on the market, meets different demand of users. Small & Portable, can be used in different locations Sample test Fast, heating rate of up to 8℃/s Easy to use, large touchscreen and comprehensive data analysis Less-maintenance, power-off protection, etc.
Open the catalog to page 12All Medcaptain Medical Technology catalogs and technical brochures
Vitavue 12 Brochure
2 Pages
Vitavue 10 Brochure
2 Pages
Perioperative Care Solution
12 Pages
Life Support Product Catalog
12 Pages
Product Catalog
12 Pages