Catalog excerpts

MedGyn’s Endosampler is a unique, sterile, disposable curette for sampling the endometrium. Now available, Endosampler II with two holes for easier suction. Features & Benefits • onvenient for routine gynecological use and suitable for cytologic and C histologicdiagnosis • acilitates both endometrial scraping and aspiration F • Avoids endometrial sample contamination • emi-rigid 3mm curette minimizes possibility of perforation S • urette conveniently bent with sharp slot on side assures C better sampling from all areas of the endometrial cavity • ackflow of collected sample is prevented by lock-spring mechanism
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Simplicity MedGyn’s Endosampler is designed to collect clearly-differentiated endometrial tissue without anesthesia, in an outpatient setting or as an office procedure. This device is designed to improve the efficiency, convenience and reliability of the endometrial tissue collection and to reduce the physical discomfort of the patient. It provides liberal histologic specimens, surgical ease and is procedurally cost-effective for routine use. MedGyn’s Endosampler is recommended for both pre- and postmenopausal women for diagnostic purposes. MedGyn Endosampler New MedGyn’s Endosampler II...
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