ECG -406i


Catalog excerpts

ECG -406i - 1

4 Inch Roll & Z-fold Type ECG Recording Paper. Internal and External (SD card) ECG Memory. Lead-Fail, Pacemaker Pulse Detection. Rechargeable Battery. ECG Management PC Software (Mecalyzer). 12 Lead Resting ECG Analysis System.

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ECG -406i - 2

Technical Specifications Standard Accessories The information contained in this document is subject to change without prior noticaC Mediana Seoul office Seocho-ku, Seoul, Korea (P.C: 137-830) Mediana Head office / Factory / R&D Wonju Medical Industry park, #1650-1,Donghwa-ri, Mediana USA.Icn. Building 7/A, 2799 152nd Avenue NE, Redmond,

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