multi-LOC 6F Poster LINC 2014
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multi-LOC 6F Poster LINC 2014 - 1

Mul0-­‐Loc: new technology for sten0ng femoro-­‐popliteal artery: Proof of concept Klaus Amendt(1), Oliver Dudeck(2), Johannes Jung(3), Heinz Kölble(4) (1): Klinik für Angiologie, Kardiologie, Diakonissenkrankenhaus Mannheim, Germany, (2): Klinik für Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin, Universitätsklinik Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany, (3): medicut Stent Technology GmbH Pforzheim, Germany, (4): endoscout GmbH Freiburg, Germany radial force / stentdesigns Newton (N) Right side: 5x 80 mm (Endoscout) Result: 27 d survival aAer implanta7on: 21.02.2013 Method: AAer permission by ethical commi^ee, implanta7on of up to five Mul0-­‐Loc individual short stent segments (13mm long) into the leA femoral arteries of 6 domes7c pigs. As a control, long (60 to 80 mm) commercially available helical stents were implanted into the artery of contralateral side. AAer 4 weeks survival under medica7on with clopidogrel (75mg/d), control angiography was performed, the animals were sacrificed and histological (HE-­‐staining) evalua7on of the stented arterial segments was performed (→). Animal nr.: 5 domes0c pig. Sten0ng SFA Introduc4on: The idea behind Mul0-­‐Loc Sten7ng is: 1. To minimize damage of biomechanical proper7es of stented arterial segments by reducing biomechanical stress between arterial wall and stent especially in close proximity to joints. 2. This new device should enable an exact anatomically controlled release of single (1 to 12) short (10-­‐18 mm in length) stents (spot sten7ng) without watermelon seeding effect. 3. To achieve a reduc7on of fractures and lumen loss in the stented segment by myo-­‐in7mal hyperplasia. 4. At least to op7mize cost effec7veness, mul7ple femoro-­‐popliteal segments can be stented with only one device. Design - Stent-Größe Mul0-­‐Loc Results: There was no fracture of Mul0-­‐Loc stents compared to 3 out of 6 fractured control stents. Occlusion of the femoro-­‐ popliteal axis was observed in one control limb, distal to the stented segment. Length and degree of stenosis in the Mul0-­‐Loc stented arterial segments were significantly lower compared to control (custom length stent). Conclusion: 1. Animal experiments show technical feasibility of the mul7 stent delivery system (MSDS): Mul0-­‐Loc. 2. Exact anatomically controlled implanta7on of

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