Catalog excerpts

Innovation for a more efficient healthcare medipvitals Real Time Health
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A smarter healthcare system starts with better interconnections, using more detailed and accurate information. Today, the “smart” factor is present in almost every field, used with systems and processes that enable us to work with devices and technologies that were practically nonexistent only two decades ago. Millions of devices connected over computer networks and the internet create massive amounts of data. All this information has to be made available to turn knowledge into intelligence, so we can treat more people at a lower cost. At mediphealth we contribute to technological advances,...
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Obtaining free-flowing information faster and more reliably We need to change the world to improve people’s health. By incorporating smartness and applying new technologies correctly, traceability in the health sector can be improved. medipvitals is a state-of-the-art software solution to ensure traceability for vital sign measurements, registering all vital sign information in real time via wireless devices so that patient progress can be analyzed to allow for more accurate diagnoses. Our contribution to optimizing resources was to provide solutions to enable healthcare data to be fully...
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Innovating beyond the extraordinary The medipvitals ecosystem We have developed a new concept for managing vital signs based on at flexible architecture comprising two modules: vClient and vServer, allowing for full interaction between environments and components, and enabling patient monitoring information to be supplied or requested at any time. Measuring vital signs has been made very simple using wireless monitors. vClient manages user and patient identification to dynamically display all vital signs on one screen, making it easy to verify, validate and store data. vServer concentrates...
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After years and years of filing paper documents, we find ourselves repeating the same movements. Until now, of course... Because at medipvitals, we know that making patient status data available in real time is critical. Up till today, every time a healthcare professional wanted to check an ECG, it was a true ordeal, requiring a physical search through patient records to find his or her printed reports. Now, medipvitals makes it a lot easier. With one touch of the screen, the vDashboard viewer displays all stored records - virtually as if the doctor were examining the patient at this very...
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Personalized information: the focus is on the patient. What level of care does the hospitalized patient require? We have implemented measurement scales on our interface to determine the patient’s required nursing level of care (NLC*): pain level, ulcer risk, state of consciousness, patient’s dependency degree, etc. medip integrates standardized scales such as Pain, Barthel’s, Norton’s or Glasgow’s, and it also allows personalized scales to be generated. Knowledge of the patient’s status facilitates the determination of the level of care they require. The personalized data provided by the...
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BARTHEL POSITION GLASGOW POSITION Quantifies patient dependency degree. Quantifies coma scale. NORTON POSITION PAIN POSITION Quantifies ulcer risk. Quantifies pain.
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Smarter looks, smarter attention medipvitals’ unique graphic design is dynamic and easy to use. Medical user habits have been carefully considered to make the platform friendlier. The screen clearly shows all available options with well-organized, duly structured and easily readable information with good visualisation. Just one look and everything’s under control. Measurements are shown with colours and symbols indicating their status. Once data are stabilized, they can be validated for safe storage and ready availability in the system. Medical device connectivity is shown by indicators,...
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vDashBoard: Access to patient databases Detailed information for a safer, more accurate and reliable diagnosis medipvitals is integrated with several HIS (Hospital Information Systems) and EMR (Electronic Medical Records). It is also totally autonomous for healthcare centres without their own EMR systems. All relevant patient data are securely stored to make them available for use at any time and place. The vDashboard application displays all patients organized by the selected criterion: age, gender, nationality, etc. By selecting one particular patient, you not only access the last record,...
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The medipvitals process phases Fast, simple flow, ensuring guaranteed success 1. The nurse accesses the vClient and selects the patient. 2. vClient connects to the probes, retrieves the data and displays it. 3. The nurses validate the data and save it. 4. vServer retransmits the received data to the HIS servers where they are stored and the relevant EMR. 5. Data available on vServer can be consulted by healthcare personnel using vDashboard, or the hospital EMR system.
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Innovating beyoud the extraordinary medipmobile: Always connected We provide geographically isolated healthcare staff with total connectivity by integrating functionalities that ensure the interactive transfer of vital signs data to medical centres via new-generation wireless technologies. medipmobile opens up a whole world of amazing new experiences by cancelling out geographical isolation for physicians out on call. This application is conceived to be self-standing, running independently of available wireless technologies, and it can seamlessly work in online or offline modes. Everything is...
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An extraordinary experience. It was essential for our development team to work hand in hand with healthcare professionals and clinical systems integrators. Together we analyzed needs and requirements, keeping all factors in mind: hospital infrastructure, technology, work habits, user types, locations and patient types. The results were fascinating. Subsequent user experiences at hospitals were eye-opening. In all cases, patient data was registered instantaneously, reducing availability by 4.5 hours compared to manual data transcription. An average time saving of 15 minutes shift per day was...
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