Catalog excerpts

Cancer Diagnostic Tools TCA 44-720 Combination Slide Stainer and Coverslipper • Full walk-away lab automation from staining to the finished slides • Worldwide fastest glass coverslipper currently in the market • Maximum flexibility with up to 12 parallel running staining programs www.medite
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TCA 44-720 Combination Programmable Slide Stainer TST 44 C Charcoal filter for the adsorption of solvent fumes Hood can be opened half or fully Patented drip tray Transport head avoids carry-over Superior quality and reliability makes this system unique in the world! With the TCA 44-720 combination unit, full walk-away lab automation from staining to the finished slides is now coming into your reach by merging the combinationready TST 44 C continuous slide stainer with the new ACS 720 automated glass coverslipper. Flexibility and high throughput as well as excellent quality and safety are...
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Glass Coverslipper ACS 720 Storage of finished slides Operation panel easy to see, use, and check operational status The tuning plate allows a high throughput, reducing time and effort. Three procedures are processed in parallel as follows: Samples are safely and consistently covered, assuring permanent quality of the slides. The dispenser automatically returns to a xylene reservoir after every completed coverslipping process. This prevents a drying of the dispenser needle. 1. Taking slides from the basket 2. Applying the mounting medium 3. Attaching the coverglass High-speed staining and...
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TCA 44-720 Combination Technical data TST 44 C: Max. number of staining protocols: 20 / 12 parallel operating staining programs Max. number of program steps: Free choice for every step: station, time (from 1 sec. to 59 min.) Drip collection: adjustable drain time combined with a patented drip collection technology avoids carryover of solvents. drain time 0 to 9 sec. 4 loading stations 4 unloading stations, incl. 1 transfer station 6 water stations for running water 2 drying stations (temperature adjustable from +40° C to +80° C) 4 water stations 30 staining stations with agitation Contents...
Open the catalog to page 4Archived catalogs
Heated Forceps eCep
2 Pages
Rotary Manual Microtome M380
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TAZ 19
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Rotary Microtomes
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TES 99
4 Pages
TPC 15 Duo/Trio
4 Pages
RCM 7000
4 Pages
TCA 44-720 Combination
4 Pages
TST 44
4 Pages
COT 20
4 Pages