Catalog excerpts

Product Overview Organoids are 3D tissue-like structures formed by in vitro 3D culture of adult stem cells (ASC) or pluripotent stem cells (PSC). They can simulate real organs in both structure and function, hence also known as "mini-organs". Analyzing organoid formation can deepen our understanding of human development and tissue/organ regeneration mechanisms. In addition, organoids provide a powerful platform for disease modeling and drug screening. Our products include various organoid culture systems such as heart, brain and intestine, as well as the corresponding reagents and...
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Application Spotlight 1.Organoids (heart organoids as an example) Schematic diagram of differentiation at different stages Uniformly differentiated heart organoids (Day 7) *Heart organoids with two pulsating bands
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DAPI (Cell nucleus) DAPI (Cell nucleus) Staining identification results of bile duct organoids grown in Extragel matrix gel for 11 days *Blue represents cell nuclei, yellow represents cell skeleton protein F-act
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3.Comparison of organoid-specific matrix gel with competitor 1.3mm hESC-derived bile duct organoids *The parameter table of average organoid size indicates that compared with competitor A, our Megarobo organoid-specific matrix gel can better promote organoid growth. Results of GFP-labeled cancer cell line grown in our ultra-low attachment U-bottom 96-well plate for 2 days Staining identification results of cancer cell line grown in ultra-low attachment U-bottom 96-well plate for 26 days *Blue represents cell nuclei, green represents tumor marker Ki67, and red represents cell skeleton protein...
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Megarobo Biosictech Organoids 1.Tumor/tissue-derived organoids Esophagus cancer Lung cancer Breast cancer Liver cancer Biliary duct cancer Colorectal cancer Cervical cancer Bladder cancer Blood vessels Intestinal organoid
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Product Lists Description Product Name Consumable Culture medium SEM-S01-ph Extracellular Matrix Hydrogel Extracellular Matrix Hydrogel, Phenol Red-free Extracellular Matrix Hydrogel, Phenol Red-free Extracellular Matrix Hydrogel, High Concentration Extracellular Matrix Hydrogel, High Concentration Extracellular Matrix Hydrogel, High Concentration, Phenol-Red Free Extracellular Matrix Hydrogel, High Concentration, Phenol-Red Free Extracellular Matrix Hydrogel Extracellular Matrix Hydrogel, Reduced Growth Factor Extracellular Matrix Hydrogel, Reduced Growth Factor Extracellular Matrix...
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MegaRobo 202, Building 1, Yunli Intelligent Park, Shutianpu Community, Matian Subdistrict Guanging District, Shenzhen City, China www.megarobo.com charlie.peng@megarobo.tech
Open the catalog to page 8All MEGAROBO TECHNOLOGIES CO. catalogs and technical brochures
2 Pages
extracellular matrix
8 Pages
Extragel Matrix instruction
5 Pages
extracellular matrix
11 Pages
PCR Plates
6 Pages
Centrifuge tube
12 Pages
Pipette tips
12 Pages