Catalog excerpts

IONUS Fast determination of anions and cations
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The ion chromatograph is offered in two different detection variants with regard to different applications. As standard, this is detection by conductivity (IONUS) and for special applications this detector is replaced by post-column derivatization with photometers of different wavelengths in the UV/VIS range (IONUS, Post Column Derivatization) in analogy to our amino acid analyzer ARACUS. By default, we equip our chromatographs almost exclusively with columns from Hamilton in Stainless Steel and PEEK. Columns from other manufacturers are available for certain special applications and on...
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The IONUS is suitable for the analysis of anions and cations in research, development and everyday routine as well as for water within the scope of environmentally relevant investigations. The sample solutions are mostly water based and may contain water-miscible organic solvents. A classic example is the analysis of (drinking) water according to EPA 300 Part A and B. The advantage of IONUS is the compatibility with IC columns of all manufactures and it is compatible with all common eluents of anion and cation chromatography. In a standard configuration the IONUS comes without a suppressor,...
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Autosampler with 100 yL loop + sample rack 2x 48 column with programmable thermostat
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When applying without suppressor technique, it can happen that in the chromatogram there are negative as well as positive peaks for the individual substances or that the peak areas are very small due to very small conductivity. In order to measure smaller concentration ranges in anion analysis, the instrument can be equipped with suppressor technology with chemical based regeneration. The IONUS also can be equipped with an UV/VIS detector. In this case the external UV/VIS detector can provide a remedy by using indirect UV detection for light-absorbing eluents. Another possibility is to use...
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IONUS with suppressor Autosampler with 100 µL loop + sample rack 2x 48 x /////////////////////////////////////// column with programmable thermostat Rheodyne Valve Suppressor valve setup
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The IONUS Post Colum Derivatization (PCD) does not have a built- in conductivity detector. Instead, it has a reactor for derivatization followed by a single wavelength photometer. These single wavelength photometers are very sensitive compared to a variable UV/VIS detector, and it can be easily changed by the user. The choice of wavelength depends on the selected colour reaction, such as for the two bromate determination according to EPA 317 or 326 with 440 nm or 355 nm. For the determination of Chromium (III)/(VI) 340 nm or 530 nm are used. The IONUS PCD also offers the advantage that it...
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IONUS PCD Autosampler with 100 µL loop + sample rack 2x 48 /////////////////////////////////////// Reactor for post column derivatization with oven /////////////////////////////////////// column with column oven
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Technical Specifications method
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* 800 mm with opened main unit
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separation of anions performed with the column Cat. No. 650-0105 + 3.2 mM sodium carbonate, + 1.0 mM sodium hydrogen carbonate + 0.1 mM sodium thiocyanate as eluent with suppressor technique. separation of anions performed with the column Cat. No. 650-0195 + 1.25 mM sodium carbonate + 3.5 mM sodium hydrogen carbonate + 0.1 mM sodium thiocyanat as eluent with suppressor technique.
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Separation performance / cations separation of cations performed with the column Cat. No. 650-0109 + 5 mM nitric acid as eluent.
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Separation performance / organic acids separation of organic acids performed with the column Cat. No. 650-0180 + 10 mM sulfuric acid as eluent with indirect UV method.
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Separation performance / Post Column Derivatization detection of bromate (100 - 1 ppb) performed with the column Cat. No. 650-0106 + 200 mM methane sulfonic acid as eluent + 0.27 M potassium iodide and 50 µM ammonia heptamolybdate as reagent according to method EPA 326.0 (UV detection 355 nm). detection of bromate performed with the column Cat. No. 650-0106 + 5 mM sodium carbonate + 2.5 mM sodium hydrogen carbonate + 0.1 mM sodium thiocyanate as eluent and o-Dianisidine as reagent according to method EPA 317.0 (UV detection 440 nm).
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Separation performance / Post Column Derivatization detection of transition metals performed with the column Cat. No. 650-0099 + 100 mM tartaric acid as eluent + 0.2 mM pyridylazoresorzinol (PAR) in 3 M ammonia hydroxide/ 1 M acetic acid as reagent (VIS detection 530 nm). detection of organic acids performed with the column Cat. No. 650-0180 + 10 mM sulfuric acid as eluent and with a solution of Bromothymol Blue as reagent (VIS detection 440 nm). detection of Chromium (III)/(VI) performed with the column Cat. No. 650-0132 + 30 mM ammonium nitrate and 1.75 mM Pydridine-2,6-dicarboxylic acid...
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Options manual injection port easy manual injection with Rheodyne valve with a standard volume of 20 µL (other loops up on request). indirect UV detection the IONUS can be equipped with an additional UV/VIS detector. anion suppressor technique based on chemical process regeneration of suppressors with acid. Rheodyne Valve Prime and Purge Valves High Pressure side prime and purge valves in eluent and reagent flow For further information please refer to our Product Guideline
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Made in Germany, Your trusted partner for 30 years info@membrapure.de www.membrapure.de
Open the catalog to page 20All MembraPure catalogs and technical brochures
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