Catalog excerpts

Product Description Metrex™ produces two enzymatic detergents: MetriZyme™ and EmPower™. MetriZyme is a dual enzymatic formula designed for superior performance in the presence of high organic debris and in areas that are hard to reach mechanically (such as endoscope channels). EmPower is formulated with a lower concentration of the same two high quality enzymes found in MetriZyme. EmPower is an economical alternative to MetriZyme when there is moderate to low organic debris. Proper disinfection and sterilization processes have to follow after pre-cleaning procedures. MetriZyme is designed...
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Safety Information Carcinogen: None of the components is listed as a carcinogen or potential carcinogen by IARC, NTP, ACGIH, or OSHA. For safety information, please refer to SDS. Enzyme Concentration* Enzyme Concentration Recommended Application Higher Soil, Ortho, Plastic Surgery, Endoscopy/Gastro EmPower / EmPower Fragrance Free General Surgery Centers, Urgent Care, Urology, Podiatry Dilution Ratio Manual Cleaning / Ultrasonic Automatic Reprocessors** EmPower / EmPower Fragrance Free *Always refer to product label for correct application directions **Or follow manufacturer’s instructions...
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Ordering Information Description Packaging 2 ounces 48 bottles / case 1 gallon 4 bottles / case EmPower Fragrance Free** 1 quart 4 bottles / case 1 gallon 4 bottles / case All containers are blow molded HDPE. Caps for containers up to one gallon are polypropylene with induction welded inner seal. **All one gallon or smaller containers are placed in cardboard cases. Bulk sizes are available. Contact your Metrex representative for more information. ©2021 Metrex Research, LLC. All Rights Reserved. MKT-20-1060 Updated March 2021
Open the catalog to page 4All Metrex catalogs and technical brochures
CaviWipes™ 2.0
6 Pages
Hand Hygiene Sales Sheet
2 Pages
CaviCide Technical Bulletin
4 Pages