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Provides the necessary tools to effectively implement TG142 test procedures. Trend OMA T An aly E, sis ± Light vs. Radiation Coincidence ± Radiation Field Size Verification ± Field Junction Verification ± MLC Leaf Position Verification ± Imager Scaling Verification ± Gantry, Collimator and Table Isocenter Verification ± Stereotactic Radiation Isocenter ± MLC Leaf Speed ± EPID Quality Assurance ± Radiation Field Center Reference TESTING CAPABILITIES ± Automation of EPID image analysis ± Image analysis runs unattended in the background ± Supports multiple user levels for controlled access and security ± Flexible software architecture enables distributed use and remote access ± Improved trending and reporting ± Receive detailed up-to-date activity across the network from the QUASAR™ Message Centre ± Create custom tables to store daily QA data ± Organize your QA process with the QA Scheduler ow EXTEND • A nd N UTO Ya MA Capabilitie LIF P esting s TE T M , SI Half Beam Block Junction at Orthogonal Angles Jaw Slippage with Gantry Angle Small Field Radiation Size Asymmetrical Field Size Treatment Couch Motion and Rotation Collimator Size Indicator Leaf Position Repeatability MLC Spoke Shot Coincidence of Light Field vs. X-Ray Field Accessory Trays Jaw Position Indicator Gantry & Collimator Angle Indicator Consolidate all of your QA data in one location Save the results of any Quality Assurance test to the QUASAR™ eQA database by creating custom QA forms that suit your clinic’s needs. Input data such as; boolean, single value, and multi-value (with calculations) to perform trend analysis with ease. Generate reports to share with physicist and radiation therapists. Accuracy. Confidence. © 2015 Modus Medical Devices Inc. All Rights Reserved. Specifications subject to change without notice. Modus is not responsible for errors or omissions. Modus makes no warranties or commitments concerning the availability of future products or versions that may be planned or under development. PDS#100-3052, REV#01/12

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Accuracy. Confidence. TREND ANALYSIS The QA Scheduler enables users to plan process flows and complete quality assurance processes. Provide timelines for daily, weekly, monthly and annual quality assurance tests. Organize your workload per LINAC and per staff member. Track and report the time allocated for your quality assurance process. QUASAR™ eQA provides an innovative set of tools to identify patterns and trends in your QA data. Incorporate statistical process control by utilizing the QUASAR™ warehouse database for better trend analysis, reporting and visual display of QA data. Plan...

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