Catalog excerpts
Compact NMR for your bench-top
Open the catalog to page 1TRAINING TOOL NMR Spectroscopy is the most commonly used character- ization technique by chemical researchers, yet NMR spectrometers are often unaccessible to undergraduates. Benchtop NMR offers an affordable way to overcome barriers that preven access to NMR, empowering students at any level to develop their experimental skills. ^/ prepare samples in 5 mm NMR tubes ■if customize NMR experiments - e.g., 1D, COSY, Tr T2 acquire personal NMR data monitor & assess reaction completeness S determine purity and/or relative composition elucidate molecular structures Nanalysis' NMReady all-in-one...
Open the catalog to page 2The NMReady-60e does not require cryogens or weekly N2f); or He(l) fills. This state-of-the-art bench-top spectrometer is made of permanent magnets and can be plugged into standard wall power. It uses 5 mm NMR tubes and typical sample vol- umes, making sample preparation simple and fast without introducing additional steps like flushing and/or injection. Innovative precautions built-in to the NMReady-60e reduce the time required to get the instrument back online after a broken NMR The NMReady-60e was streamlined specifically with academic teaching in mind. With technical specifica- tions...
Open the catalog to page 3Operating Frequency: User Interface: Resolution & Lines nape: Stray Field: Operating Temperature: Power Supply: Built-in Touchscreen Deuterium & non-deterium options JCAMP-DX, MNova, LabView 40 :1 (EtBz 1% signal scan) 5 Gauss line within enclosure For more Information please visit: twitter: @Nanalysis specifications are subject to change without notice
Open the catalog to page 4All Nanalysis catalogs and technical brochures
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Archived catalogs
NMReady™ 60 Pro
4 Pages