Catalog excerpts
Optogenetics meets cardiac safety • Integrates seamlessly with the CardioExcyte 96 • 96 channel optical stimulation • Spatially uniform stimulus allows mechanistic insights into contractility and electrophysiology of iPS cardiomyocytes • No stimulus artifacts • Pacing without electrical stress for cells, allowing long-term stimulation during maturation cycles CardioExcyte 96 SOL Optical stimulation and investigation of impedance and extracellular field potentials in parallel The CardioExcyte 96 is a hybrid device supporting highly The stimulating optical lid, CardioExcyte 96 SOL, uses resolved impedance-based measurements and MEA- LEDs for spatially uniform stimulation of cells transfected like extracellular field potential (EFP) recordings. It has a with light-gated ion channels such as Channelrhodopsin2 small footprint and allows for fully automated recordings from 96 wells in parallel. With embedded control electronics and sophisticated sensor technology, the CardioExcyte 96 is a turn-key system for efficient measurements cardiomyocytes. Optogenetics After transfection of iPS cardiomyocytes with ChR2 the cells were stimulated by blue light. Every flash of light induces a depolarization of the cells and thus an action
Open the catalog to page 1Nanion Europe Nanion China Nanion Japan potential is triggered. The advantages of optical stimulation over electrical stimulation include the highly Timed stimuli allow exact IMP and EFP mean beat overlays precise timing, all cells of the beating network are 100 nM Nifedipine (black) shorten the FPD and reduce contraction strength, 2 Hz paced cells stimulated exactly at the time of the light stimulus. In contrast, electrical stimulation propagates from the electrode across the well and thus cells are stimulated progressively. A mean beat calculation of precisely timed beats enables in-depth...
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Archived catalogs
The Port-a-Patch
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CardioExcyte 96
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SyncroPatch 384/768PE
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Orbit mini
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