Orbit 16. Instant bilayers. Just add protein


Catalog excerpts

Orbit 16. Instant bilayers. Just add protein - 1

Orbit 16. Instant bilayers. Just add protein.

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Orbit 16. Instant bilayers. Just add protein - 2

Orbit 16® Instant bilayers. Just add protein. • Simultaneous automated formation and • High flexibility and user control • Validated with a wide variety of targets re-formation of 16 lipid bilayers • 16 parallel bilayer recordings • Modular approach - two recording substrates • Substantial throughput increase • Low noise high bandwith recordings • Compatible with existing amplifiers 16 parallel gramicidin recordings 2. Analyzed & averaged data Press one button and obtain 16 lipid bilayers Bilayer recordings typically mean tedious waiting for bilayer formation, protein reconstitution and...

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Orbit 16. Instant bilayers. Just add protein - 3

simultaneous recordings: automated formation of bilayers recording chips: GUV (Nanion) & MECA (Ionera) sample volume: compatible amplifiers: average bilayer stability: high resolution recordings: supported bilayer types: painted (MECA) and solvent free (GUV) Take the pain out of painting! Ionera's MECA-chip supports automated bilayer formation through remotely actuated painting (Ionera-SPREAD). Lipid bilayers are formed on an array of 4 x 4 circular microcavities in highly inert polymer. Each integrated Ag/AgCl-electrode. The bilayers can be easily and repeatedly zapped and re-formed in an...

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Orbit 16. Instant bilayers. Just add protein - 4

Smart tools for ion channel research “Within our research on the CsgG channel, Nanion’s Orbit 16 -combined with Ionera's MECA Chip technology- has substantially boosted our scientific output. The outstanding research tool is easy to handle and speeds up the parallel generation of 16 bilayers. By increasing the throughput of single-channel current recordings, it is a breakthrough in the biophysical analysis of pore forming proteins. Within approximately one week’s worth of lab time, we had the data needed for the recent paper in Nature. This would have been hard to achieve using conventional...

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All Nanion Technologies catalogs and technical brochures

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  4. SURFE²R N1

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  5. CoolingPlate

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Archived catalogs

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