Catalog excerpts
The world's smallest patch clamp setup. Providing biggest results.
Open the catalog to page 1The Port-a-Patch. Enjoy electrophysiology • Increased throughput with high data quality • Whole-cell and single channel recordings • Easy-to-use – also for non-experts • Successful with primary cells and stem cells • High success rates for stable whole cells • Voltage and ligand gated ion channels • ersatile liquid handling - internal and V • timulating Optical Lid (SOL) developed for S external perfusion systems available optical stimulation of ion channels • ompatible with most amplifiers C • emperature control possible (cooling and T heating) • oltage and current clamp V The Port-a-Patch...
Open the catalog to page 2chip resistance: 2 - 3.5 MΩ (customized resistances available) seal resistance: whole cell resistance: series resistance: liquid consumption: perfusion time constant (Perf. Sys.) internal perfusion time constant: avg. whole cell stability: successful whole cell recording: 70 - 90 % (consistent between cell lines) Technical Specifications A Port-a-Patch system includes: • ort-a-Patch recording station P (including Faraday top) • ort-a-Patch Suction Control, USB-controlled P (no house vacuum needed) • PatchControl software (Windows) including sophisticated graphical tools for logging of...
Open the catalog to page 3Smart tools for ion channel research “Nanion’s Port-a-Patch is an excellent instrument for research labs working with undergraduate students. Manual patch-clamping methods depend to a large extend on the skills of the operator. They require long training periods. For a typical undergraduate student it takes over a year to learn patch-clamping. Port-a-Patch reduces that time to only weeks and the most difficult part is to understand the software that controls the instrument. This allows undergraduate students to actively participate in real research projects.” Professor Armin Kargol, Loyola...
Open the catalog to page 4All Nanion Technologies catalogs and technical brochures
4 Pages
2 Pages
6 Pages
6 Pages
Maturation of iPSC-CM
1 Pages
CardioExcyte 96 SOL
2 Pages
6 Pages
The Patchliner
4 Pages
Vesicle Prep Pro
4 Pages
Suction Control Pro
1 Pages
Internal Perfusion
4 Pages
2 Pages
4 Pages
Temperature control
4 Pages
External Perfusion
4 Pages
Archived catalogs
The Port-a-Patch
4 Pages
CardioExcyte 96
6 Pages
SyncroPatch 384/768PE
6 Pages
Orbit mini
2 Pages