Catalog excerpts
• ressure clamp extension for Nanion’s P second generation Suction Control • mproved stability and lifetime I • ast and easy auto-calibration and self-test F • aster pressure regulation F The second generation of the Suction Control unit for the Port-a-Patch® offers substantially increased performance. High quality, electronically regulated membrane pumps and a new generation of valves and firmware optimizations have conferred higher precision in pressure regulation( 1mbar), ower acoustic noise, faster slew rate l (~2 mBar/ms), longer ifetime and simplified calibration l The Suction Control Pro offers improved performance, new e xperimental possibilities and is compatible with earlier versions of the Port-a-Patch® platform. procedures. The pressure (300 mBar) is controlled by the PatchControl software via an USB interface. The new Suction Control Pro combines all these features with pressure clamp for accurate studies of m echano-gated ion channels, and the effect of ressure p on artificial and cellular membranes. The Suction control Pro contains an interface for c ommunication with the analog in- and outputs of the e lectrophysiology recording system. This allows for precise and fast control of the applied pressure as well as the r ecording of the applied pressure. In this way pressure a pplication is synchronized with voltage clamp protocols and graphically displayed together with the patch clamp data traces. Suction Control Pro is available when purchasing a P ort-a-Patch® system and is also compatible with existing Port-a-Patch® systems. Contact us if you are interested in upgrading to Suction Control Pro! Nanion Technologies GmbH Erzgiessereistrasse 4 80335 Munich Germany phone: +49 89 218997972 fax: +49 89 218997960 Nanion Technologies Inc. 675 US Highway One North Brunswick, NJ 08902 USA phone: 1-888-9-NANION The Port-a-Patch® and the Suction Control Pro was used to study the effect of pressure on functional MscL protein reconstituted in a GUV derived planar bilayer. MscL gating was observed at a holding potential of +30mV at the indicated negative ydrostatic h pressure in symmet
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Archived catalogs
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