Catalog excerpts

HRR PanelIntroduction HRR Panel v1.0 targets whole coding sequences of 35 DNA Homologous recombination repair (HRR) related genes. It can be used alone for HRR gene mutation analysis, as well as spike-in to HiSNP-series panel for Homologous Recombination Deficiency (HRD) assessment by analyzing genomic instability along with HRR-related gene mutation. FANCD2 FANCE FANCF FANCG FANCI FANCL FANCM MRE11 NBN PALB2 RAD50 RAD51 Depth of coverage (mean = 100) Fig 1. Capture performance of HRR Panel v1.0. DNA libraries of human genomic DNA, male (Promega, G1471) were prepared by using the NadPrep DNA Library Preparation Kit (for Illumina®), and captured by using HRR Panel v1.0. The A. mapping rate, on-target rate, coverage uniformity, and B. coverage consistency were exhibited, respectively. Sequencing platform is NovaSeq 6000 with PE150. Fig 2. Variant analysis by HRR Panel v1.0. DNA libraries of Onco gDNA (Genewell, GW-OGTM800) were prepared by using the NadPrep DNA Library Preparation Kit (for Illumina®), and captured by using HRR Panel v1.0. The variant analysis was performed by Vardict. Sequencing platform is NovaSeq 6000 with PE150. Expected allele frequency (%)
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Spike-in Capture Performance A Target covered (%) On-target rate Fig 3. Spike-in capture performance of HRR Panel v1.0. DNA libraries were prepared by using the NadPrep DNA Library Preparation Kit (for Illumina®), and captured by using HRR Panel v1.0 and HiSNP Ultra Panel v1.0 with equimolar. The A. mapping rate, on-target rate, B & C. coverage uniformity and consistency were exhibited, respectively. Sample type: Human genomic DNA, male (Promega, Target covered (%) G1471), Onco gDNA (Genewell, GW-OGTM800), and Onco SNV Multiplex wildtype gDNA (Genewell, GW-OGTM005). Sequencing platform is...
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