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Catalog excerpts

ABaer - 1

hearing screening system all-in-one A BR, DPOAE & wffi\ TEOAE screener — providing unsurpassed flexibility in hearing screening & data management

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ABaer - 2

THE ABAER HEARING SCREENER PROVIDES FLEXIBLE SOLUTIONS FOR MEETING PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS & ACHIEVING CONTINUOUS QUALITY IMPROVEMENT GOALS ALL-IN-ONE ABR, DPOAE & TEOAE SCREENING SYSTEM Utilizes proprietary Point Optimized Variance Ratio (POVR) Algorithm • Developed by the House Ear Institute, a leader in auditory research since 1946 • Efficient screening ♦ Test automatically stops if the probability of achieving a PASS result is very low • Statistically proven ♦ 99.96 % theoretical statistical bilateral Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions (DPOAE) • High sensitivity for cochlear hearing...

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ABaer - 3

The ABaer Hearing Screening System includes: ABaer screener with panel PC Screening cart Data management software Electrode (patient) cable Insert earphones with adapters Deskjet printer (optional] Seiko label printer Instructional materials Ordering Information: ITEM PART NUMBER ABaer, ABR, Label Printer AB1001 ABaer, ABR, Regular "PC" Printer AB1002 ABaer, ABR, Label Printer, OAE Probe AB1003 ABaer, ABR, Regular "PC" Printer, OAE Probe AB1004 ABaer, ABR, DPOAE, Label Printer AB1005 ABaer, ABR, DPOAE, Regular "PC" Printer AB1006 ABaer, ABR, TEOAE, Label Printer AB1007 ABaer, ABR, TEOAE,...

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All Natus Medical catalogs and technical brochures

Archived catalogs

  1. MiniMuffs®

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  2. AURICAL Aud

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  3. MDrive

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  4. NicoletOne

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  5. Otoscan®

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  6. Aquamatic ll

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  7. ALGO 5

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  8. NeuroCom®

    4 Pages

  9. neometrics

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  10. Warmette

    2 Pages

  11. OraSwab

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  12. SugarPlum

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  13. SunFish

    1 Pages

  14. TootSweet

    2 Pages

  15. audble

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  16. Scout Sport

    2 Pages

  17. ENoG

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  18. StethoDopTM

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  19. ImexDop CT+?

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  20. FreeDop?

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  21. AUDX

    6 Pages

  22. ALGO 3i

    2 Pages