Clinical Research System
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Catalog excerpts

Clinical Research System - 1

Clinical Research System (CRS) Designed for the Clinical Researcher Clinical Research Systems combine the clinical efficacy of NeuroCom EquiTest® and SMART EquiTest Computerized Dynamic Posturography (CDP) systems. Integrating the recording capabilities of the AMTI™ Dual Top Six Degrees of Freedom Force Plate with NeuroCom’s dynamic software package, the NeuroCom CRS has been tested and proven in demanding gait and balance research labs worldwide.  Standardized clinical test protocols  Turn-key user-programmable operating system  Used by leading researchers in balance & mobility programs worldwide Built to Last The NeuroCom Balance Manager System’s robust, durable & low maintenance design delivers a true value-based solution for any clinical and/or research environment. ww

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Clinical Research System - 2

Clinical Research System (CRS) CRS systems provide objective documentation of the balance control functions (sensory as well as voluntary and reflexive motor) in the population to be studied, the ability to design complex sensory and motor challenges to emulate real world conditions, and full access to the detailed force & moments data from two independent Force Plates (Fx, Fy, Fz, Mx, My, Mz) to accurately demonstrate the impact of those challenges on human balance performance. Research Software Package User-programmable operating system for flexibility in designing research protocols....

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Clinical Research System - 3

The most powerful balance research mode to date — Waveform Waveform mode can be used to profile complex waveform movements via support for classic trigonometric functions (Figure1), intricate multi-ramp movements with varying speed and amplitudes (Figure 2), and VB scripts to articulate permutations of waveforms and ramps (Figure 3). Configuration Options EquiTest CRS SMART EquiTest CRS Overhead support bar with patient harness set Movable visual surround with illumination Embedded LCD monitor Training software for rehabilitation Motor for translation of Force Plate Motor control test (MCT)...

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Clinical Research System - 4

Clinical Research System Technical Specifications Physical Dimensions Components Included Assembled dimensions Dynamic NeuroCom Dual Top Six Degrees of Freedom Force Plate from AMTI (rotate and translate) System cart Dynamic visual surround with illumination Dual Force Plate Overhead support bar with patient harness set Step height Windows-based desktop computer Visual surround One flat panel 17” LCD operator monitor (EquiTest) Maximum subject height Two flat panel 17” LCD monitors for operator and patient (SMART EquiTest) *Depth extends to 64 in (163 cm) with surround in resting position....

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