Catalog excerpts

OAE screening with a CAR... It’s just more FUN!
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Periodic hearing screening leads to early detection of hearing loss 6 - 7 per 1000 children will be identified with permanent hearing loss in early childhood. 1 Hearing loss creates communication roadblocks. Periodic hearing screening using Madsen Alpha can help to identify hearing loss that can cause the roadblocks. ®
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12% of children ages 6-19 have permanent noise induced hearing loss. NG NI EE CR S 65% of people with hearing loss are below retirement age. 3
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Video helps reduce fidgeting and squirming!
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Hearing loss is an invisible condition Hearing screening for children Performing surveillance and screening within the medical home is the best way to monitor young children for late onset hearing loss . Hearing screening for children while important, can be a challenge. The Madsen Alpha OAE+ from Natus has an intuitive touchscreen that puts children and users at ease. The video that appears during the test is simply engaging and enjoyable. The Alpha has made hearing screening for children FAST and FUN! 4 The starting point to better hearing health OAE as a choice for hearing screening...
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The pdf report Customize your reports with your name a OAE+ fo: Alph ystem In S l ones, Jil Name: J 1234560 ID: 1234 46 ry 08, 19 y, Janua : Tuesda DOB The green bars reflect robust emissions compared to the noise floor (grey bars) DPOAE Frequency values
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Touchscreen navigation With single touch operation, learning and screening is fast. Operators can choose from an entertaining video or traditional OAE screen. Madsen Alpha Full size. The report is seamlessly transferred through the docking station to PC.
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Meets the requirement for CPT code 92587 CPT 92587 Description: Distortion product evoked otoacoustic emissions; limited evaluation (to confirm the presence or absence of hearing disorder, 3–6 frequencies) or transient evoked otoacoustic emissions, with interpretation and report. What are Otoacoustic Emissions? Otoacoustic emissions (OAEs) are sounds measurable in the ear canal of normal, healthy ears, produced by outer hair cell activity in the cochlea. These sounds are small but can be measured with a tiny microphone. It is important to note that otoacoustic emissions do not actually test...
Open the catalog to page 8All Natus Medical catalogs and technical brochures
Dantec® Clavis™ Handheld EMG
2 Pages
Natus® EEG32U™ EEG Amplifier
2 Pages
Archived catalogs
2 Pages
CFM Olympic Brainz Monitor
4 Pages
NicoletOne vEEG System
2 Pages
ICS® Impulse
2 Pages
Madsen® Alpha OAE
8 Pages
4 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
Madsen® Accuscreen
8 Pages
Aurical® Otocam 300
4 Pages
4 Pages
8 Pages
Bio-logic® AuDX PRO FLEX®
4 Pages
MADSEN Capella²
4 Pages
Otometrics® Madsen A450
8 Pages
Aquamatic ll
2 Pages
4 Pages
Olympic Circumstraint™
2 Pages
Embla ® S4500
2 Pages
4 Pages
BiliCare ™ System
4 Pages
3 Pages
Echo-Screen® III
4 Pages
Smart Scale Model 50-51
2 Pages
Warm Scale Model 23-28
2 Pages
Smart Scale Model 60-65
2 Pages
2 Pages
1 Pages
2 Pages
1 Pages
2 Pages
NeuroCom Smart EquiTest
4 Pages
Clinical Research System
4 Pages
NeuroCom inVision
4 Pages
NeuroCom Balance Family
12 Pages
VersaLab APM & APM2
4 Pages
VersaLab LE and SE
4 Pages
Peloton ™ Screening Services
2 Pages
3 Pages
ALGO Supplies
2 Pages
Scout Sport
2 Pages
Bio-logic AuDX Pro
2 Pages
3 Pages
2 Pages
UltraPro S100
2 Pages
Xltek ® ICU Monitor
4 Pages
Bio-logic ® MASTER ® II
2 Pages
Bio-logic ® Navigator ® Pro
3 Pages
2 Pages
Pocket-Dop II
2 Pages
Pocket-Dop 3?
2 Pages
ImexDop CT+?
2 Pages
Nicolet? Elite
4 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
Pasteurmatic 3000/3500
3 Pages
neoBLUE radiometer
2 Pages
2 Pages
Biliband Datasheet
1 Pages
neoBLUE Family Brochure
2 Pages
6 Pages
Echo-Screen Brochure
2 Pages
3 Pages
2 Pages