Catalog excerpts

PRESENTING INNOVATIVE PRODUCTS AND SERVICES TO HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS VOLUME 23 NATUS NEURO EPILEPSY-FOCUSED TECHNOLOGY DELIVERS COMPREHENSIVE, INTEGRATED, LONG-TERM MONITORING SOLUTIONS ajor technological advances and surgical success rates in the treatment of epilepsy are driving demand for advanced, IT-integrated, long-term monitoring (LTM) solutions in the epilepsy monitoring unit (EMU). As a result, hospitals, neurology departments, epileptologists and allied healthcare professionals are turning to the epilepsy specialists at Natus Neuro to integrate and synchronize data from monitoring equipment for high-quality, effective, LTM clinical and research solutions. recording, it was a nightmare trying to figure out how to deal with time lock between the two systems. You had to try and sync the recordings on two separate computers.” Using the Natus Quantum 256-channel LTM amplifier, recordings on all channels are collected in a single file. Medco Forum 2018 Providing industry-leading epilepsy technology for more than 80 years, Natus Neuro deploys complete LTM solutions in some of the most demanding monitoring environments at the most prestigious institutions around the globe. These integrated solutions include the Natus Quantum® LTM Amplifier, NeuroWorks® Software, Nicolet® Cortical Stimulator, and Cerebrum Enterprise Solution™. The Epilepsy Center at Boston Children’s Hospital is an eight-bed, Level IV epilepsy facility operating within the hospital’s Department of Neurology. As Director of Technology for the department, Jack Connolly oversees all technical staff and IT operations, including the epilepsy center. Connolly finds it especially beneficial that the Natus Quantum LTM Amplifier can be used for both clinical and research needs, eliminating the need to connect a patient to two separate systems. “Before the Quantum Amplifier, we had to use two machines simultaneously for EEG recording,” explained Connolly. “After the “With our neurosurgery cases, for example, which may have close to 200 channels, we can record that on one system and see it all on one screen,” said Connolly. When it comes to security and peace of mind for Connolly, who works in the largest pediatric neurology department in the U.S., Natus Neuro’s HIPAAcompliant XLSecurity enables role-based security with Active Directory integration. “We allow our entire neurology department to see Natus through Citrix – so there are a lot of users. But we can then limit the amount of access by specialty and focus,” observed Connolly. “Epileptologists, for example, have broad access to the EEG data; however, we don’t want to give them the ability to inadvertently delete patients. We give that chore to an IT person with full access to manage adding and removing patients.” At the Level IV Comprehensive Epilepsy Clinic at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC), IT security and integration has taken on a critical role since the center switched from its in-hous
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That’s when Susan Herman, M.D., who directs the hospital’s EMU and ICU-EEG monitoring program, says BIDMC chose a single-vendor solution for its neurology department, including the EMU. “At that point, Natus was the only vendor that could meet – or in some cases exceed – the strict IT security requirements for our hospital,” noted Dr. Herman. “And further advances now allow centrally managed logins with single sign-on, role-based authentication. It’s really improved our ability to maintain security of the data.” Dr. Herman, who specializes in Epileptology and Neurology and is Assistant...
Open the catalog to page 2All Natus Medical catalogs and technical brochures
Dantec® Clavis™ Handheld EMG
2 Pages
Natus® EEG32U™ EEG Amplifier
2 Pages
Archived catalogs
2 Pages
CFM Olympic Brainz Monitor
4 Pages
NicoletOne vEEG System
2 Pages
ICS® Impulse
2 Pages
Madsen® Alpha OAE +
8 Pages
Madsen® Alpha OAE
8 Pages
4 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
Madsen® Accuscreen
8 Pages
Aurical® Otocam 300
4 Pages
4 Pages
8 Pages
Bio-logic® AuDX PRO FLEX®
4 Pages
MADSEN Capella²
4 Pages
Otometrics® Madsen A450
8 Pages
Aquamatic ll
2 Pages
4 Pages
Olympic Circumstraint™
2 Pages
Embla ® S4500
2 Pages
4 Pages
BiliCare ™ System
4 Pages
3 Pages
Echo-Screen® III
4 Pages
Smart Scale Model 50-51
2 Pages
Warm Scale Model 23-28
2 Pages
Smart Scale Model 60-65
2 Pages
2 Pages
1 Pages
2 Pages
1 Pages
2 Pages
NeuroCom Smart EquiTest
4 Pages
Clinical Research System
4 Pages
NeuroCom inVision
4 Pages
NeuroCom Balance Family
12 Pages
VersaLab APM & APM2
4 Pages
VersaLab LE and SE
4 Pages
Peloton ™ Screening Services
2 Pages
3 Pages
ALGO Supplies
2 Pages
Scout Sport
2 Pages
Bio-logic AuDX Pro
2 Pages
3 Pages
2 Pages
UltraPro S100
2 Pages
Xltek ® ICU Monitor
4 Pages
Bio-logic ® MASTER ® II
2 Pages
Bio-logic ® Navigator ® Pro
3 Pages
2 Pages
Pocket-Dop II
2 Pages
Pocket-Dop 3?
2 Pages
ImexDop CT+?
2 Pages
Nicolet? Elite
4 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
Pasteurmatic 3000/3500
3 Pages
neoBLUE radiometer
2 Pages
2 Pages
Biliband Datasheet
1 Pages
neoBLUE Family Brochure
2 Pages
6 Pages
Echo-Screen Brochure
2 Pages
3 Pages
2 Pages