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Catalog excerpts

neometrics - 1

proven integration / rapid intervention data management solutions for newborn care

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neometrics - 2

Metabolic Screening Database System (MSDS)™ Provides newborn screening laboratories with a powerful, easy to use tool for processing test results and demographic data: • Emphasizes ease of use, speed, security, resilience and reliability by utilizing Oracle® as its database platform. • Includes sophisticated data searching capabilities • Automates results processing and produces periodic reports, including listings of specimens tested and mailers to specimen submitters • Helps manage the increased data demands of Tandem Mass Spectrometry testing (MS/MS) • Tightly integrated with Neometrics...

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neometrics - 3

natus. Natus Medical Inc. • San Carlos, CA USA Natus U.K. • Oxford, England +1 650-802-0400,800-255-3901 Fax: +1 650-802-0401

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All Natus Medical catalogs and technical brochures

Archived catalogs

  1. MiniMuffs®

    2 Pages

  2. AURICAL Aud

    2 Pages

  3. MDrive

    2 Pages

  4. NicoletOne

    2 Pages

  5. Otoscan®

    8 Pages

  6. Aquamatic ll

    2 Pages

  7. ALGO 5

    4 Pages

  8. NeuroCom®

    4 Pages

  9. Warmette

    2 Pages

  10. OraSwab

    1 Pages

  11. SugarPlum

    2 Pages

  12. SunFish

    1 Pages

  13. TootSweet

    2 Pages

  14. audble

    3 Pages

  15. Scout Sport

    2 Pages

  16. ENoG

    2 Pages

  17. StethoDopTM

    2 Pages

  18. ImexDop CT+?

    2 Pages

  19. FreeDop?

    2 Pages

  20. AUDX

    6 Pages

  21. ABaer

    3 Pages

  22. ALGO 3i

    2 Pages