Scout Sport
1 / 2Pages

Catalog excerpts

Scout Sport - 1

Bio-logic Scout Sport ® PC-based diagnostic OAE system Why do professionals choose Bio-logic Scout Sport as their PC-based diagnostic OAE system of choice? Scout Sport’s Windows®-based software features easy-to-use menus with a library of diagnostic OAE protocols: • Diagnostic and screening DP and TE protocols Customizable DP protocols with a frequency range of 500 Hz - 10,000 Hz Diagnostic DP protocols meet CPT requirements Input/Output functionality Multiple choices for normative data comparison, included in the software Customizable report templates User interface common to the Bio-logic family of products Easy to clean, durable and comfortable OAE probe Patented Bio-logic OAE supplies for all ages Scout OAE software adds flexibility and complements existing Bio-logic brand hearing products such as the Bio-logic Navigator® Pro AEP diagnostic

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Scout Sport - 2

Bio-logic Scout Sport Technical specifications General settings (DPOAE) Supported Transducer Stimulus type Stimulus frequency range Stimulus duration Stimulus frequency ratio (F2/F1) DP Signal Evaluation Frequency Noise Evaluation Bands Sample frequency Sample size Minimum number of samples Evaluation end time High Pass Filter Settings Artifact Rejection Threshold Stopping Criteria (DPOAE) Minimum DP amplitude Noise floor Signal-to-noise ratio Bio-logic OAE Probe Two simultaneously presented pure tones (frequencies F1 and F2) Between 500 and 10000 Hz - User programmable Test stops...

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