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Catalog excerpts

TootSweet - 1

TootSweet 24% Sucrose Solution helps calm and soothe babies in distress and during painful procedures, while protecting against bacterial contamination. Now there’s a safe, convenient way to deliver sucrose solution to your babies – TootSweet 24% sucrose solution. • Convenient Twist-Tip vials, administer just a drop at a time! Baby-appropriate preservatives prevent bacterial growth, no refrigeration required 0.5ml, 1ml and 2ml Twist-Tip vials Two-year shelf life reduces cost, inventory hassles and waste Less waste and spills with Twist-Tip vials Single dose, single patient use New purple vial – purple is becoming a standard to indicate oral use Economical and convenient … two-year shelf life! With TootSweet 24% Sucrose Solution, just a couple of drops on a pacifier or the tip of the tongue a few minutes before a painful procedure, is suff

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TootSweet - 2

Keep babies safe and save your hospital money with easy-to-use TootSweet! Sucrose is a proven, effective method of helping to calm and soothe babies. It is also an ideal medium to grow bugs! Contamination can occur from airborne bacteria, contact with oral flora from re-dipped pacifiers or mucosal contact with oral syringes. Independent studies found non-preserved 24% sucrose became highly contaminated (53 large colonies, and small colonies too numerous to count) with bacteria and mold in a matter of hours after contact with a pacifier used by an infant. (Copy of report available on...

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All Natus Medical catalogs and technical brochures

Archived catalogs

  1. MiniMuffs®

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  2. AURICAL Aud

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  3. MDrive

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  4. NicoletOne

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  6. Aquamatic ll

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  7. ALGO 5

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  8. NeuroCom®

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  9. neometrics

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  10. Warmette

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  11. OraSwab

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  12. SugarPlum

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  13. SunFish

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  14. audble

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  15. Scout Sport

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  16. ENoG

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  17. StethoDopTM

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  18. ImexDop CT+?

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  19. FreeDop?

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  20. AUDX

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  21. ABaer

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  22. ALGO 3i

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