Catalog excerpts
More about Push > Nea International bv P .O. Box 305 | 6199 ZN Maastricht-Airport | The Netherlands | T: +31 (0)43 - 407 92 20 | |
Open the catalog to page 115:45hrs Getting back your active life
Open the catalog to page 210:15 Getting back your active life
Open the catalog to page 3push for freedom Joint complaints should never stop you from moving, which is great news for anyone who wants to do more of what they love to do. With Push, you get more freedom, and more of your active life.
Open the catalog to page 4Push for freedom is synonymous with moving freely, just like people want to move. And that is a lot easier than you might think. It’s merely a matter of choosing the right medical aid. A good brace helps. By wearing a brace, you can increase the loading capacity of your joints, which in turn will increase their mobility. As well as their freedom of movement. You will rediscover your capabilities and forget your limitations. A pleasure for anyone who lives life to the full and wants to see more of the world. profileS Freedom of movement is challenge faced daily by Push. What moves us? Call...
Open the catalog to page 5Push can be used for a wide range of different indications. We have an attractive range classified under care, med and ortho. functional retention function recovery function compensation FUNCTIONAL RETENTION Push care is intended for those whose everyday freedom of movement is restricted due to a slight injury or disorder. Each product has a high degree of effectiveness, comfort and quality. Push care guarantees pain relief and improves the sense of stability by adjusting compression. It is easy to use. FUNCTION RECOVERY Push med guarantees solutions for the treatment and prevention of...
Open the catalog to page 6Execution: left and right Ankle Brace > indications > Minor distortions > Slight capsule irritations > Slight ankle instability (under light stress) > Arthrosis without instability The Push care Ankle Brace provides pressure around the ankle joint, thus improving its stability. This compression can be adjusted as and when required. The ankle brace fits perfectly and can be worn in practically any shoe. So-called comfort zones made from padded material surround the vulnerable areas of the ankle.
Open the catalog to page 7Execution: left and right SIZE 1 2 3 4 5 Ankle Brace > indications > oderate (residual) instability M > Treatment of acute lateral ankle ligament lesions (alternative to taping) > Treatment of stable ankle fractures (Weber type A) integrated heel- lock wrap > After-care to ankle fractures (incl. Jones fracture) > Post-operative treatment of ligament injuries and fractures > Secondary prevention of ankle ligament lesion (under moderate strain with accumulation of fluid) The Push med Ankle Brace provides the ankle joint with support and can be used as long-term support for a wide range of...
Open the catalog to page 8Execution: left and right Ankle Brace Aequi Flex > indications > T reatment of acute lateral ankle ligament lesions strong support and maximum comfort > A fter-care for conservative or operated ankle fractures > Serious (residual) instability > A rthrosis with instability > Secondary prevention of ankle ligament injury The Push med Aequi Flex provides stability to the ankle joint, during the functional treatment of (sub-)acute ankle injuries. Covering the injured area with padding and adjustable compressive straps, the patient can recover safely and comfortably. A medial stay holds a...
Open the catalog to page 9Execution: left and right SIZE 1 2 3 Ankle orthosis Aequi > indications > Serious (residual) instability (under heavy strain) > T reatment of acute lateral ankle ligament lesions > A fter-care for conservative or operated ankle fractures > A rthrosis with instability without accumulation of fluid > Secondary prevention of ankle ligament lesion (under heavy strain without accumulation of fluid) The Push ortho Ankle orthosis Aequi is an effective ankle orthosis, which strikes a balance between strong mechanical support of an unstable ankle and maximum comfort. The medial rigid support acts as...
Open the catalog to page 10Execution: left and right Wrist Brace > indications > Support for sprained wrists > Minor residual instability > Minor distortions > Slight strain complaints in the wrist joint > Slight strain complaints in the wrist extensors > Arthrosis of the wrist and carpus > inor rheumatic complaints M The Push care Wrist Brace provides compression around the wrist joint, thus improving its stability. This compression can be adjusted as and when required. The wrist joint is not immobilised thus allowing sufficient freedom of movement to retain functionality of the hand. The palm of the hand is kept...
Open the catalog to page 11Execution: left and right SIZE 1 2 3 4 Wrist Brace > indications > Residual instability > oderate to serious distortions M > Strain complaints in the wrist joint > T herapy resistant strain complaints to the wrist extensors > T endinitis to the wrist extensors > rist fractures without dislocations W > A fter-care for wrist fractures > A rthrosis with distension > I RS The Push med Wrist Brace offers a high measure of support and protection to the wrist joint without restricting the functionality of the hand. The anatomically shaped stiffeners limit palmary and dorsal flexion without...
Open the catalog to page 12Execution: left and right Wrist Brace Splint > indications > T herapy resistant strain complaints of the wrist extensors > oderate to serious rheumatoid complaints M > C arpal tunnel syndrome > I RS The Push med Wrist Brace Splint allows the wrist joint to rest without restricting the functionality of the hand. The brace is easy to attach around the forearm, the wrist joint and hand with one hand. A circular non-elastic strap ensures that the post-forming splint closely follows the anatomy of the wrist joint. Consequently, palmary flexion is limited and the hand is supported in a functional...
Open the catalog to page 13Execution: left and right SIZE 1 2 3 Thumb Brace CMC > indications > O steoarthritis of the CMC-joint > P ost-operative after-care of the CMC-I joint > Status after arthroplasty of the CMC-I joint minimal intervention maximal stability The Push Thumb Brace CMC-I is a brace used for osteoarthritis in the thumb meta-carpal joint (CMC) and is the result of a new concept. The brace stabilises the CMC and positions the thumb in a functional position whereby a ‘thumb arc’ occurs. When using the hand, it remains stable and allows a good grip function. The surrounding joints including the wrist...
Open the catalog to page 14All Nea International catalogs and technical brochures
Push med Ankle Brace
2 Pages
the Thumb CMC Joint
2 Pages
12 Pages
Push care
2 Pages
Pus H brace
28 Pages