EB00083 Ebola test kit
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Catalog excerpts

EB00083 Ebola test kit - 1

Ebola virus detection kit (colloidal gold method) AG detection Type: Place of Origin: Instru ment cl ass ification: Color: Specimen: MOQ: Test Time: Format: Pathological Analysis Equipments Jiangsu, China Class I I White Nasal secretions 5000 Pcs Within 15 minutes Cassette Brand Name: Model Number: Certificate: Accuracy: Storage: Method: Service: Neo nostics DG-01 ISO13485 99% Accurate Room Tempreture Collodial Gold OEM ODM Neo-nostics (Suzhou) bioengineering Co. ,Ltd

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EB00083 Ebola test kit - 2

Detection and Interpretaion Ebola Within 15 minutes Positive Test Item Infectious diseases Infectious diseases Infectious diseases Infectious diseases Infectious diseases Infectious diseases Infectious diseases Infectious diseases Infectious diseases Infectious diseases Infectious diseases Infectious diseases Infectious diseases Infectious diseases Dengue IgG&IgM Dengue NS1 Zika IgG&IgM Zika NS1 Scrub Typhus IgG/IgM Schistosome-AB SFTSV TOX IgG/IgM HAV IgM-AB HIV-AB HCV-AB TP-AB Malaria pf/pv HBSAG cassette/strip cassette/strip cassette/strip cassette/strip cassette/strip cassette/strip...

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EB00083 Ebola test kit - 3

Ebola Antigen test kit (Colloidal gold method) Product photos

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EB00083 Ebola test kit - 4

VALIDATION REPORT CELLTECHGEN LLC 14780 Memorial Drive, Suite 103 Houston, TX 77079 Phone: (877-994-4100) CLIA License: 45D2209248 NPI: 1952976011 Physician Detail: Jinsong Zhang HCLD ID: Celltechgen Lab Date: July 1, 2021 Report for Neo Nostics Ebola Rapid Test Kit (Colloidal Gold Method) REF #ABL0083 Lot#8320210323 Expiration date: 03/22/2023 Manufacturer: Neo-nostics (Suzhou) Bioengineering Co., Ltd 1. Clinical Performance The clinical performance characteristics of the Neo Nostics Ebola Rapid Test Kit (Colloidal Gold Method) were evaluated in Celltechgen Laboratory guided by COLA...

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EB00083 Ebola test kit - 6

Disclaimer - Explanation of Results This test has been validated according to the FDA guidelines, by Celltechgen Laboratory (CLIA # 45D2209248). Our laboratory is certified under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA), 42 U.S.C section 263a, to perform high complexity tests. The assay is validated internally by COLA guidance. Test performance can be affected because the clinal spectrum of infection caused by SARS-CoV-2 is not fully known. This test is not FDA approved.

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