Catalog excerpts
Active Humidification for Adult, Pediatric & Infant Respiration Heated Wire & Non Heated Wire Invasive & Non Invasive Mode Flow detection
Open the catalog to page 1nice 8050 Servo Control Heated (Respiratory)Humidifier nice 8010 Servo control Heated (Respiratory)Humidifier Invasive & Non Invasive Application Adult Care & Pediatric Care Capable of operating in either invasive or non invasive application with invasive and non invasive mode. It can be used for invasive ventilation, non invasive ventilation and oxygen therapy with obsolute humidity > 12 mg/l Non Invasive Application Adult Care Capable of operating in non invasive application with low, medium & high temperature setting. It can be used for non invasive ventilation and oxygen therapy with...
Open the catalog to page 2nice 8020 Reusable Paediatric/Neonatal Humidification Chamber (optional) Auto clavable low compressible volume humidifying chamber. Chamber compressible Volume for high flow 360ml. Maximum water capacity 230ml. 360 deg viewable water line for ease to monitor the water level from all angles. Highly durable intended for multiple usages. Withstands prolonged exposures to high temperature and repeated sterilization. Water fill port for refilling water during operation. Bio-compatible material minimizes risk on patient with safer material. nice 8030 Reusable Adult Humidification Chamber...
Open the catalog to page 3nice 8010 Humidifier Temperature Probe Humidifier Temperature Probe MR730 Compatible 2pin Heater Wire Adapter for disposable breathing Circuit Features Designed for use in hospital environment wherever medical gas is being supplied to patients, nice 8050 & nice 8010 heated wire humidifier incorporates latest technology that provides Physiological level of humidity at body temperature. The nice 8050 features dual servo control feedback system, incorporates to constant monitoring and control chamber and proximal temperatures in the airway line. As a result high temperature gases cannot exist...
Open the catalog to page 4All Neotech Medical Systems catalogs and technical brochures
Bubble CPAP
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Medical Air Compressor
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Open Care System
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Phototherapy Radiometer
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LED Phototherapy Units
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Infant Radiant Warmer
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Baby Incubator
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Transprt Baby Incubator
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Apnea Monitor nice 5050
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High Flow Oxygen Therapy
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All Product Catalogue
24 Pages