Group: Cefla Dental

Catalog excerpts

NewTom 5G represents an innovation NewTom 5G features the best spatial reso- and revolution in the field of advanced lution, improved signal to noise ratio, uni- imaging specifically with Cone Beam formity accuracy and dynamic range of Computed Tomography. the gray scale (16 bit). In addition to the QR’s srl years of Cone Beam CT experience superior image quality of the NewTom and reputation for the highest image 5G, it also offers tremendous flexibility quality have once again come together to with different acquisition modalities - 12 develop the next generation of imaging different scanning possibilities using 8 different FOV’s. With a fascinating design, practitioners can explore new clinical applications, thanks to the open pass-through style gantry and motorized reclining patient’s table. The supine position of the patient during the acquisition and the reduced scan time add comfort and stability for an excellent result in terms of image quality and patient satisfaction. OPEN Gantry for new clinical applications and patient’s comfort Short scan time Small Footprint Cone Beam 3D Imaging
Open the catalog to page 1
NewTom 5G Specifications X-ray Source High frequency, rotating anode: 110 kV; 1-20 mA (pulsed mode) Focal Spot Aquisition Technique Single scan and Cone Beam acquisition SafeBeam™ Control reduces radiation based on patient size Scan Time X-ray Emission Time Image Acquisition Image Detector Amorphous silicon flat panel, 20 cm x 25 cm Field of View (7.87 in x 9.84 in) Signal Grey Scale 360/480 Images - 360 degrees rotation Voxel size options (µm) Boosted scan HiRes scan Standard scan Patient Positioning Reconstruction Time Less than 1 minute Depth (max) Scan Unit NewTom 5G with patient table...
Open the catalog to page 2All NewTom catalogs and technical brochures
NewTom 5G XL
14 Pages
VGi evo
16 Pages
20 Pages
18 Pages
12 Pages
New Tom X-PSP
12 Pages
20 Pages
Archived catalogs
GO 2D/3D
14 Pages
10 Pages
10 Pages
10 Pages
NewTom GiANO
13 Pages
Newtom VGi Flex
2 Pages
13 Pages