Group: Cefla Dental

Catalog excerpts

CEFLA s.c. Via Selice Provinciale 23/a • 40026 Imola • Italy t. +39 045 8202727 • 045 583500 info@newtom.it newtom.it Stabilimento Plant According to the standards in force, in extra-EU areas the availability and specifications of some products and/or characteristics may vary. Please contact your local distributor for further information. Pictures are for illustration purpose only. BU Medical Equipment Sede legale ed amministrativa Headquarters NewTom 5G XL EXTRA.VISION THE ULTIMA
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THE ONLY CBCT WITH LYING DOWN PATIENT POSITIONING. EXCELLENT IMAGE QUALITY WITH A DEVICE THAT FEATURES OUTSTANDING DIAGNOSTIC POTENTIAL. 5G XL is the innovative device, featuring lying down patient positioning, able to offer high resolution volumetric images with extra low X-ray doses. Top quality CBCT for new medical applications.
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CUTTING EDGE PERFORMANCE FOR ADVANCED DIAGNOSTICS. Quality and innovation with a device presenting exceptional features. Advanced diagnostics with 5G XL, the only CBCT device with lying down patient positioning that offers excellent stabilisation and a broad range of FOVs for very high quality 3D and 2D images. The CBCT technology allows to have high spatial resolution for bone tissue investigations with low X-Ray dose. Special focus on patient health, enhanced by ECO Dose mode and the exclusive SafeBeamTM technology. 5G XL is the first device with native FOV 21 x 19 cm for highly detailed...
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UNCOMPROMISING QUALITY. Superior standard 3D examinations with a device designed for excellent performance. High definition volumetric images of bone tissue with a “native” isotopic voxel, non-overlapping sections and fewer artifacts. With CBCT technology, 5G XL offers faster examinations and low doses of radiation with greater safety for the patient, better performance and an increasingly efficient workflow. The high quality images generated by 5G XL are ideal for multiple medical fields, such as dentalmaxillofacial diseases, otorhinolaryngology applications, complete analysis of upper...
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OPTIMAL LYING DOWN POSITIONING. User-friendliness, maximum stabilisation and quality for diagnoses using new medical applications. 5G XL is the only CBCT device available on the market with patient in a lying down position. The motordriven patient table made of carbon fibre, which can be controlled from the on-board console or from the PC, allows to adapt the examination to any image acquisition need with patient lying down in a prone or supine, cranial-caudal or caudal-cranial position. The open gantry facilitates access to the scanning area and eliminates any sensation of claustrophobia...
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LOW X-RAY DOSE. The dose radiated to the patient using a CBCT device as demonstrated by specific scientific literature in most of the cases is less than CT devices with a superior spatial resolution for bone tissue investigations*. X-Ray Dose comparison of different examination technologies: MSCT, CBCT, 2D Radiography The different settings of FOVs and Resolution available in the use of the NewTom 5G XL allow a wide range of different screening based on different diagnostic needs. In some configurations, for a preliminary screening exam, for example the 18x16 Standard, it is possible to...
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APPLICATION FIELDS. With 5G XL, NewTom uses CBCT technology for new medical applications. Very high quality 2D and 3D images with a broad range of FOVs and dedicated software. An extraordinary potential for accurate diagnosis in all situations.
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ORTHOPAEDIC APPLICATIONS. LOWER LIMBS Images generated by 5G XL, with their high resolution and quality, allow an in-depth study of the upper and lower limbs not only to diagnose fractures, dislocations, luxations or misalignment but also to define the bone and joint structure resulting from pathological alterations, to detect small bone fragments and to assess diseases in small joints, even when metal screws are present. Excellent acquisitions that exceed the limitations of CT examinations or those typical of 2D image acquisitions, in which a dedicated visual alignment cannot always...
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HEAD&NECK APPLICATIONS. INVESTIGATING NECK PAIN The better spatial resolution of CBCT, compared to MSCT, allows detailed analyses of trabecular and cortical structures to identify any dysplastic, inflammatory, traumatic or micro-traumatic elements. Relationships between vertebral bodies are also perfectly legible, thus highlighting any distortion or subluxation. 3D volumes generated with 5G XL are ideal to examine the atlanto-occipital joint and in surgical programming for the application of osteosynthesis devices and prosthetics. PLANNING AND VERIFYING MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY 5G XL generates...
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HEAD&NECK APPLICATIONS. TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT (TMJ) EXAMINATION Diagnosis and anatomical assessment of the temporomandibular joint can be performed with high quality 3D images generated by 5G XL. Sagittal and coronal slices provide optimal imaging of the joint zone to identify any pathologies and to assess the difference between condyle height and the mandibular branch. ORTHODONTIC ANALYSIS The ideal application for tomographic, panoramic and cephalometric images acquired with 5G XL is in examinations for aesthetic and orthodontic purposes and for the treatment of severe diseases. The...
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NNT, THE SOFTWARE FOR ALL SPECIALIST NEEDS. The versatile and powerful imaging software to perform the examination, process data and share the diagnosis. NNT is the essential tool to process and manage 2D and 3D images and X-ray videos (CineX). A software that adapts the user interface and offers dedicated analysis functions for the specific needs of radiologists and specialist physicians. DENTISTRY: CROSS SECTIONS IN PANORAMIC IMAGES Complete examination of the dental arches in cross sections to check shape, size and status of maxillary and mandibular bones and teeth. Volume reconstruction...
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IMPLANT SITE ASSESSMENT With the innovative Ray2D function, 5G XL generates 2D X-ray images (18 x 19 cm) that are perfect for both preliminary and post-surgery follow up examinations. It is possible to repeat the investigation from various angles to select the image with the best perspective. Estimates bone density in a potential implant site, with Misch scale classification, to correctly plan treatment. CineX 5G XL offers the exclusive CineX function to investigate moving anatomical structures, such as saliva ducts and joint mobility. This advanced technology uses a sequence of X-ray...
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