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Catalog excerpts

A1+_A1R+_2CE-SBTH-9 - 2

The ultimate confocal microscope Capturing high-quality images of cells and molecular events at high speed, Nikon’s superior A1+ confocal laser microscope series, with ground breaking technology, enables you to bring your imaging aspirations to life. A1+ with high performance and A1R+ with additional high-speed resonant scanner The A1+ series dramatically improves confocal performance and ease of operation. The A1R+ with a hybrid scanner supports advanced research methods using photoactivation fluorescence protein. The ergonomic user-friendly design facilitates live-cell work and a huge...

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A1+_A1R+_2CE-SBTH-9 - 3

Brightness Key Nikon innovations for improving image quality The highest standard of image quality has been realized by the development of a high-sensitivity GaAsP detector, in addition to increased light sensitivity resulting from comprehensive technological innovations in electronics, optics and software. Hybrid detector The newly developed GaAsP detector uses gallium arsenide phosphide (GaAsP) in its PMT cathode. Since this enables it to achieve higher quantum efficiency than conventional detectors, brighter image acquisition with minimal noise and high-sensitivity is possible, even with...

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A1+_A1R+_2CE-SBTH-9 - 4

Dynamics & Interaction High-speed and high-quality imaging A1+ is equipped with a galvano (non-resonant) scanner for high-resolution imaging. A1R+ has a hybrid scanner that incorporates the advantages of both high-speed resonant and galvano scanners, offering ultrafast imaging and simultaneous photoactivation and imaging. High-resolution imaging Multicolor imaging A four-channel detector as standard eliminates the necessity for an additional fluorescence detector after purchase and allows easy imaging of a specimen labeled with four probes. Kaede (photoconversion fluorescence protein) Kaede...

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A1+_A1R+_2CE-SBTH-9 - 5

Dynamics & Interaction Ultrahigh-speed imaging In vivo imaging Imaging dynamic status of fluorescence labeled agents and intravital substances in live organisms under good physiological conditions is possible. High-speed photoactivation imaging PA-GFP (Photoactivatable Green Fluorescence Protein) PA-GFP irreversibly changes from a dark state to a bright state, while its absorption spectrum shifts to 488 nm wavelength, when exposed to 405 nm laser. Observation with band scanning Imaging at 420 fps (2.4 ms/frame, with resonant scanner) Image size: 512 x 32 pixels Observation with X-t scanning...

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A1+_A1R+_2CE-SBTH-9 - 6

Dynamics & Interaction FRAP (Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching) After bleaching fluorescence dyes within the ROI by strong laser exposure, the recovery process of fluorescence over time is observed in order for the molecule diffusion rate to be analyzed. A1R+' hybrid scanner allows high-speed imaging of fluorescence recovery during bleaching at a user-defined area. Caged compounds Caged compounds are biologically active molecules that have been rendered functionally inert and can be instantly reactivated by near-ultraviolet light exposure. By controlling the light exposure,...

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A1+_A1R+_2CE-SBTH-9 - 7

Dynamics & Interaction Spectrum Enhanced spectral detector Nikon’s original spectral performance is even further enhanced in the A1+ series, allowing highspeed spectral acquisition with a single scan. In addition, advanced functions, including a V-filtering function, are incorporated. Simultaneous photoactivation and fluorescence imaging is conducted using galvano and resonant scanners. Because the resonant scanner can capture images at 30 fps, image acquisition of high-speed biological processes after photoactivation is possible. DEES system Optical fiber High diffraction efficiency is...

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A1+_A1R+_2CE-SBTH-9 - 8

Fast 32-channel imaging at 24 fps Unique signal processing technology and high-speed AD conversion circuit allow acquisition of a 32-channel spectral image (512 x 512 pixels) in 0.6 second. Moreover, acquisition of 512 x 32 pixels images at 24 frames per second is achieved. Actin of HeLa cell expressing H2B-YFP was stained with Phalloidin-Alexa488. Spectral image in the 500-692 nm range captured with 488 nm laser excitation Left: Spectral image, Right: Unmixed image (green: Alexa488, red: YFP) Specimen courtesy of: Drs. Yoshihiro Yoneda and Takuya Saiwaki, Faculty of Medicine, Osaka...

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A1+_A1R+_2CE-SBTH-9 - 9

Ease of Use Increased flexibility and ease of use Control software NIS-Elements C features easy operation and diverse analysis functions. Combined with a remote controller and other hardware, NIS-Elements C provides a comprehensive operational environment. Reliable analysis functions Detailed operability based on the analysis of every possible confocal microscope operation pattern ensures an intuitive interface and operation, satisfying both beginners and experienced confocal users. By taking advantage of the hybrid scanner, the software enables a complicated sequence of experiments such as...

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A1+_A1R+_2CE-SBTH-9 - 10

High-performance objectives for confocal imaging Three compact and space-saving laser units developed by Nikon that are easy to set up. LUN4/LU-N4S* Laser Units are equipped with four lasers (405nm, 488nm, 561nm, 640nm), while LU-N3 Laser Unit has three lasers (405nm, 488nm, 561nm). LU-N4/LU-N4S/LU-N3 is equipped with the newly developed laser combiner, which prevents alignment shift even after long-term use. The AOTF allows laser power to be controlled and modulated. High-NA objectives have been developed that highly correct chromatic aberrations over a wide wavelength range, from...

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A1+_A1R+_2CE-SBTH-9 - 11

System diagram Detector unit LU-LR 4-laser Power Source Rack Scan head input/output port 2 laser input ports 3 signal output ports for standard, spectral and third-party detectors (FCS/FCCS/FLIM) Laser unit LU-CCA Confocal LU Controller A 405 nm, 440/445 nm, 488 nm, 561/594 nm, 638/640 nm, Ar laser (457 nm, 488 nm, 514 nm), HeNe laser (543 nm) Compatible Laser Laser unit LU-N4/N4S Laser Unit 405/488/561/640 (AOTF modulation), LU-N3 Laser Unit 405/488/561 (AOTF modulation), LU4A 4-laser module A, C-LU3EX 3-laser module EX Filter Cubes Method: AOTF (Acousto-Optic Tunable Filter) or AOM...

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A1+_A1R+_2CE-SBTH-9 - 12

Diverse peripherals and systems for pursuit of live cell imaging 360 A1+ with N-SIM, A1+ with N-STORM and A1+ with TIRF A1+/A1R+ can be equipped with the TIRF system and super resolution microscope systems N-SIM, N-STORM on a single inverted microscope and all controlled from Nikon’s integrated software. This meets the demands of multi-perspective cellular analysis. N-SIM provides super resolution of approximately double that of conventional microscopes, while N-STORM provides approximately 10 times higher super resolution. TIRF enables visualization of ultra-thin optical specimen sections...

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All Nikon Instruments catalogs and technical brochures

  1. HCA

    8 Pages

  2. DS-Fi3

    16 Pages

  3. ShuttlePix

    8 Pages

  4. TI-E

    32 Pages


    8 Pages


    8 Pages

  7. N-SIME

    6 Pages


    24 Pages

  9. ECLIPSE Ti2

    24 Pages

  10. Eclipse FN1

    12 Pages

  11. Eclipse Ti

    32 Pages

  12. C2 Plus

    16 Pages

  13. A1+ / A1R+

    13 Pages

  14. SMZ18

    16 Pages

  15. N-SIM E

    4 Pages

  16. N-STORM 4.1

    13 Pages

  17. A1_MP

    11 Pages

  18. AZ_C1

    2 Pages

  19. MiBrochure

    2 Pages

  20. C2+_2CE-SCHH-5

    16 Pages

  21. NIS-Elements

    8 Pages

  22. AZ100M

    8 Pages

  23. AZ100

    4 Pages

  24. Eclipse Ni

    15 Pages

Archived catalogs