Biological Microscopes
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Catalog excerpts

Biological Microscopes - 1

Biological Microscope General Catalog Enter the “Microscopy University” on the web and discover a whole new world. Nikon’s International Small World Photomicrography Competition Photographs provided by: P. 3 Yasushi Okada, Ph.D., University of Tokyo (N-SIM) P.14 Director and Professor Masatoshi Yamamoto, Kyoto Institute of Technology (AZ-C2+) P. 14 Dr. Noriko Osumi, Dr. Masanori Takahashi, Tohoku University (A1R MP+) P. 15 Dr. Yoshihiro Yoneda, Dr. Takuya Saiwaki, Osaka University (A1si+) N.B. Export of the products* in this brochure is controlled under the Japanese Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law. Appropriate export procedure shall be required in case of export from Japan. *Products: Hardware and its technical information (including software) Monitor images are simulated. Company names and product names appearing in this brochure are their registered trademarks or trademarks. Specifications and equipment are subject to change without any notice or obligation on the part of the manufacturer. August 2012 ©2005-12 NIKON CORPORATION WARNING TO ENSURE CORRECT USAGE, READ THE CORRESPONDING MANUALS CAREFULLY BEFORE USING YOUR EQUIPMENT. Biological Microscopes NIKON CORPORATION Shin-Yurakucho Bldg., 12-1, Yurakucho 1-chome Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8331, Japan phone: +81-3-3216-2375 fax: +81-3-3216-2385 NIKON INSTRUMENTS INC. 1300 Walt Whitman Road, Melville, N.Y. 11747-3064, U.S.A. phone: +1-631-547-8500; +1-800-52-NIKON (within the U.S.A. only) fax: +1-631-547-0306 NIKON INSTRUMENTS EUROPE B.V. Tripolis 100, Burgerweeshuispad 101, 1076 ER Amsterdam, The Netherlands phone: +31-20-7099-000 fax: +31-20-7099-298 NIKON INSTRUMENTS (SHANGHAI) CO., LTD. CHINA phone: +86-21-6841-2050 fax: +86-21-6841-2060 (Beijing branch) phone: +86-10-5831-2028 fax: +86-10-5831-2026 (Guangzhou branch) phone: +86-20-3882-0552 fax: +86-20-3882-0580 Nikon promotes the use of eco-glass that is free of toxic materials such as lead and arsenic. NIKON SINGAPORE PTE LTD SINGAPORE phone: +65-6559-3618 fax: +65-6559-3668 NIKON UK LTD. UNITED KINGDOM phone: +44-208-247-1717 fax: +44-208-541-4584 NIKON MALAYSIA SDN. BHD. MALAYSIA phone: +60-3-7809-3688 fax: +60-3-7809-3633 NIKON GMBH AUSTRIA AUSTRIA phone: +43-1-972-6111-00 fax: +43-1-972-6111-40 NIKON INSTRUMENTS KOREA CO., LTD. KOREA phone: +82-2-2186-8400 fax: +82-2-555-4415 NIKON CANADA INC. CANADA phone: +1-905-602-9676 fax: +1-905-602-9953 NIKON FRANCE S.A.S. FRANCE phone: +33-1-4516-45-16 fax: +33-1-4516-45-55 NIKON BELUX BELGIUM phone: +32-2-705-56-65 fax: +32-2-726-66-45 NIKON GMBH GERMANY phone: +49-211-941-42-20 fax: +49-211-941-43-22 NIKON INSTRUMENTS S.p.A. ITALY phone: +39-055-300-96-01 fax: +39-055-30-09-93 NIKON AG SWITZERLAND phone: +41-43-277-28-67 fax: +41-43-277-28-61 This brochure is printed on recycled paper made from 40% used material.

Open the catalog to page 1
Biological Microscopes - 2

Contents Motorized Focusing Phase Contrast Super Resolution Microscopes Super Resolution Microscopes Super Resolution Microscope • Offering nearly twice (up to approx. 85nm*) the resolution of conventional optical microscopes, N-SIM enables detailed visualization of minute intracellular structures and their interactive functions by utilizing “Structured Illumination Microscopy” technology (*excited with 488nm laser, in TIRF-SIM mode) • Ultra-high temporal resolution of up to 0.6 sec/frame* enables super-resolution time-lapse imaging of dynamic molecular interactions in living cells (*with...

Open the catalog to page 2
Biological Microscopes - 3

Inverted Microscopes TIRF Photoactivation Illuminator Unit (for Ti-E/U) Inverted Research Microscopes Epi-fl Illuminator Unit with White Light TIRF (for Ti-E/U/S) • A laser TIRF illuminator, photoactivation unit and epi-fluorescence illuminator have been combined in a single unit Ultimate solution for advanced imaging methods in live cell research • Ti-E with motorized focusing and motorized four-port changeover, Ti-U with manual four-port changeover and Ti-S with manual two-port changeover • High-speed multi-channel screening is possible by fast motorized control (Ti-E) • Perfect Focus...

Open the catalog to page 3
Biological Microscopes - 4

Cell Incubator Observation Accessories for Inverted Microscopes Oil Hydraulic Micromanipulation Systems Cell Culture Observation System The NT-88-V3 series provides microscopic and precise specimen micromanipulation for experiments in the fields of IVF (In Vitro Fertilization), especially ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection), transgenic biotechnology, and electrophysiology. Automated stem cell screening in culture environment • Operations from culture to observation of cells run automatically under optimal conditions in the same incubator • Culture vessels are transferred from the rack...

Open the catalog to page 4
Biological Microscopes - 5

Upright Microscopes Upright Microscopes Motorized Advanced Research Microscope Clinical and Laboratory Microscopes ECLIPSE Ni-E (focusing stage model and focusing nosepiece model) ECLIPSE Ci-E/Ci-L/Ci-S Automated imaging capability for most advanced observations Exceptional comfort for clinical and laboratory observation • High-precision motorized focusing supports automated Z-series acquisition • Observation method can be changed using buttons on the microscope body. Microscope settings are automatically set to optimal positions according to selected magnification • Various motorized...

Open the catalog to page 5
Biological Microscopes - 6

Upright Microscope Microscope for Asbestos Identification Educational Microscope Polarizing/Dispersion Microscope High optical quality, simple operation and rigid design Dispersion staining microscopy that aids in the identification of asbestos • Both high-luminescent LED (Eco-illumination) model and halogen lamp model are available • CFI optical system and dedicated objectives for flat images • Siedentopf-type eyepiece tube and eye level adjustments; digital camera attachable to trinocular eyepiece tube • Phase contrast observation for high-contrast viewing of transparent and colorless...

Open the catalog to page 6

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  13. A1+ / A1R+

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  14. SMZ18

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  15. N-SIM E

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  16. N-STORM 4.1

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  22. AZ100M

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  23. AZ100

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  24. Eclipse Ni

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