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C2+_2CE-SCHH-5 - 1

Confocal Microscope

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C2+_2CE-SCHH-5 - 2

Confocal Microscope Simple and Robust An essential microscopy laboratory instrument… The C2+ confocal microscope is a basic model within the family of Nikon confocal products. The C2+ is designed as an essential microscopy tool for the laboratory, providing powerful and High-speed acquisition of high-denition images Galvanometer-based high-speed scanning enables confocal imaging of fast, dynamic events in live cells, such as the beating motion of cardiac muscle cells. In traditional confocal systems, fast bi-directional scanning can lead to pixel shifts. However, the C2+ confocal system’s...

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C2+_2CE-SCHH-5 - 3

Confocal Microscope Simple and Robust An essential microscopy laboratory instrument… The C2+ confocal microscope is a basic model within the family of Nikon confocal products. The C2+ is designed as an essential microscopy tool for the laboratory, providing powerful and High-speed acquisition of high-denition images Galvanometer-based high-speed scanning enables confocal imaging of fast, dynamic events in live cells, such as the beating motion of cardiac muscle cells. In traditional confocal systems, fast bi-directional scanning can lead to pixel shifts. However, the C2+ confocal system’s...

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C2+_2CE-SCHH-5 - 4

Image Quality High-performance objectives for confocal imaging CFI Apochromat Nikon's unprecedented optics and highly efcient optical design provide the brightest and sharpest images, at the longest working distances. These high-numerical-aperture (NA) objectives provide chromatic aberration correction over a wavelength ranging from ultraviolet to infrared and are ideal for multicolor confocal imaging. In particular, the LWD 40xWI S lens has an extremely wide chromatic aberration correction range from 405 nm to near-IR. The transmission property of these lenses is enhanced through the use...

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C2+_2CE-SCHH-5 - 5

Image Quality High-performance objectives for confocal imaging CFI Apochromat Nikon's unprecedented optics and highly efcient optical design provide the brightest and sharpest images, at the longest working distances. These high-numerical-aperture (NA) objectives provide chromatic aberration correction over a wavelength ranging from ultraviolet to infrared and are ideal for multicolor confocal imaging. In particular, the LWD 40xWI S lens has an extremely wide chromatic aberration correction range from 405 nm to near-IR. The transmission property of these lenses is enhanced through the use...

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C2+_2CE-SCHH-5 - 6

High functionality True Spectral Imaging High-performance imaging software NIS-Elements offers a variety of image processing and analysis functions. It also enables data extraction from acquired images. In addition, NIS-Elements allows for intuitive operation of Nikon microscopes and other third-party peripheral devices, such as EMCCD cameras and lter wheels, to broaden the range of experiments possible. The C2si+ true spectral imaging confocal laser scanning microscope is equipped with two detectors—a standard three-channel uorescence detector and a dedicated spectral detector that allows...

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C2+_2CE-SCHH-5 - 7

High functionality True Spectral Imaging High-performance imaging software NIS-Elements offers a variety of image processing and analysis functions. It also enables data extraction from acquired images. In addition, NIS-Elements allows for intuitive operation of Nikon microscopes and other third-party peripheral devices, such as EMCCD cameras and lter wheels, to broaden the range of experiments possible. The C2si+ true spectral imaging confocal laser scanning microscope is equipped with two detectors—a standard three-channel uorescence detector and a dedicated spectral detector that allows...

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C2+_2CE-SCHH-5 - 8

Unmixing of multiple uorescence In conventional confocal observation, uorescence is visualized as uorescence intensity in a certain wavelength range. The spectral detector allows the conrmation of detailed wavelength characteristics of the uorescence. The C2si+’ spectral detector enables the slight color differences to be conrmed as wavelengths through sensitivity correction. Because wavelength resolution and range are freely selectable, scanning of a uorescence protein with a wide wavelength range from blue to red such as CFP/GFP/YFP/Ds Red is possible at one time. Reference data allows...

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C2+_2CE-SCHH-5 - 9

Unmixing of multiple uorescence In conventional confocal observation, uorescence is visualized as uorescence intensity in a certain wavelength range. The spectral detector allows the conrmation of detailed wavelength characteristics of the uorescence. The C2si+’ spectral detector enables the slight color differences to be conrmed as wavelengths through sensitivity correction. Because wavelength resolution and range are freely selectable, scanning of a uorescence protein with a wide wavelength range from blue to red such as CFP/GFP/YFP/Ds Red is possible at one time. Reference data allows...

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C2+_2CE-SCHH-5 - 10

Laser Units Two types of laser units are available for C2+/C2si+ confocal microscopes. LU-NV Series The compact model consisting of LU-N4, LU-N4S and LU-N3 comes pre-installed with either four (for LU-N4/4S) or three (LU-N3) lasers. The LU-N4/N4S/N3 model achieves maximal light throughput based on its alignment-free, high-efciency laser combiner while maintaining a compact design. The exible model, LU-NV, which also utilizes the high-efciency laser combining system, supports up to eight different lasers and seven output bers, an ideal laser system for multi-modal imaging. The LU-NV laser...

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C2+_2CE-SCHH-5 - 11

Laser Units Two types of laser units are available for C2+/C2si+ confocal microscopes. LU-NV Series The compact model consisting of LU-N4, LU-N4S and LU-N3 comes pre-installed with either four (for LU-N4/4S) or three (LU-N3) lasers. The LU-N4/N4S/N3 model achieves maximal light throughput based on its alignment-free, high-efciency laser combiner while maintaining a compact design. The exible model, LU-NV, which also utilizes the high-efciency laser combining system, supports up to eight different lasers and seven output bers, an ideal laser system for multi-modal imaging. The LU-NV laser...

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All Nikon Instruments catalogs and technical brochures

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Archived catalogs