NeoScope Brochure
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Catalog excerpts

NeoScope Brochure - 2

The Most Advanced Benchtop SEM High Vacuum or Low Vacuum mode selectable p> Sample imaging at various angles using a tilt "° rotation motorized specimen holder* ^ Utmost ease of operation through a touch panel system with intuitive GUI

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NeoScope Brochure - 3

Speedy system startup A single touch to select High Vacuum or Low Vacuum mode Cartridge filament integrating wehnelt for easy exchange Auto gun alignment capability

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NeoScope Brochure - 4

Sample: Iron rust Touch panel JEOL's renowned image quality can be achieved with the utmost ease. A touch panel system with intuitive GUI will guide the operator through the imaging process with the level of ease equal to a smartphone.

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NeoScope Brochure - 5

Automated functions Auto controls include alignment, focus, stigmator, contrast/ brightness, and Full Auto. A single touch of Full Auto will initiate the entire imaging process to present an image instantly. Manual control An item touched and selected will turn green. Hard, continued pressing of the buttons for coarse control. Light, intermittent tapping for fine control. These control buttons combines the ease of operation from the touch panel and the familiar feel of the knobs. Image search/ display The Display image button is used to search a library of images for a specific image....

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NeoScope Brochure - 6

H S EV and Low Vacuum, allowing the mode Vacuum Observe A single touch can aswitch the images.between High I H operator to acquire variety of S EV I H S EV I HV BEI Secondary electron image in the High Vacuum mode can bring H out clear images of samples that require high magnification B EV image and samples with an uneven surface. Comparing SEI I H images with BEI images allows for closer examination of the B EV HV surface structure. I LV S may The image mode E also be switched to backscattered I compositional differences. H electron image to examine S EV LV I HV SEI LV HV HV BEI SEI 01 H V...

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NeoScope Brochure - 7

Sample: Aluminum alloy 10 μm Backscattered electron image Accelerating voltage 10 kV, magnification 3,000× Sample: Concrete Backscattered electron image  Accelerating voltage 15 kV, magnification 200× H S EV I The Low Vacuum mode, a standard feature in NeoScope™, is designed to increase the pressure in the specimen chamber to neutralize the charges on the sample surface, allowing the operator to observe uncoated non conductive samples. The Low Vacuum mode is also effective for samples containing a small amount of oil or water and gas-emitting samples that resist coating. Sample: Filter...

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NeoScope Brochure - 8

Qgffniil) ffimg& vjfiMto • The Search image window allows the operator to select and print image data. The window also allows the operator to restore the photographing conditions (accelerating voltage, filament current, probe current, etc.) for any image. Search image conditions Search image window Checking a desired image and pressing the Output images button in the Search image window will display a preview image. If multiple images are selected, the system will automatically print 3 images per page. NeoScope™ can retrieve the imaging conditions of any image that is saved in memory. The...

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NeoScope Brochure - 9

Compare NeoScope™ can simultaneously display live and retrieved images. In the example below, a low magnification image is presented on the right while a magnified live image on the left. This allows the operator to compare a current image with another image retrieved from memory. Sample: Star sand NeoScope™ incorporates a feature to measure the distance between 2 points. When the Scaler button is selected, the functions needed for measurement will be assigned to the auto control buttons. The measured results can be saved in image and CSV data files. Sample: Metal particles 9

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NeoScope Brochure - 10

Elemental analysis Pressing the Analysis button will open the EDS view. EDS supports qualitative/quantitative analysis, point analysis, and mapping (elemental distribution). Sample: Black ore (mineral) Two buttons, Image and Spc, initiate analysis. Pressing the Quantitative button after data acquisition will display quantitative results. Pressing the Map button will initiate elemental mapping of the image. The mapped results will show 2 dimensional distribution of the constituent elements. Using mapped results, the operator can. Create quantitative maps in color where each color represents...

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NeoScope Brochure - 11

Analytical Assistance is one of the functions to help the operator navigate any data acquisition process, including mapping and line analysis. When a type of analysis is selected from the Analytical Assistance view, the system will display a series of process steps needed for the analysis. The buttons shown in the view will guide the operator through any analytical procedure. An example of mapping sequence When a line is defined on the image, the system will begin measuring relative concentration changes in the The elements may be edited after the stable analytical point

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NeoScope Brochure - 12

01 View at varying angles The Tilting and rotating motor drive holder allows the operator to examine samples at different angles. Observation of a tilted sample results in 3 dimensional information of the sample. The tilt rotation motorized specimen holder is optional. Sample: Substrate; magnification 45× Sample: Substrate; magnification 45× You can select any wallpaper for your GUI. Select one that you desire. JCM-6000 character Mr.Power Supply Sample: Spiderwort, uncoated, Low Vac mode

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NeoScope Brochure - 13

NeoScope™ will be ready for operation in 3 minutes after it is powered on. Placing a sample and closing the door will automatically initiate the evacuation sequence. An SEM image will be displayed when the evacuation is completed. A single touch on the panel can switch the mode between High Vacuum and Low Vacuum. NeoScope™ incorporates a JEOL proprietary dry SD detector. The detector is always ready for analysis during SEM imaging.

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NeoScope Brochure - 14

Changing filaments is simple and easy. Unlike the conventional filament assembly that requires cleaning of the wehnelt, the electron gun in NeoScope™ uses a pre-centered cartridge filament that integrates a wehnelt. Since the cartridge is replaced as a unit, cleaning of the wehnelt or centering of the filament is not needed. The exchange process is quick and insures correct positioning of the filament. Any new filament that is installed requires alignment to insure good image quality. This alignment process is fully automated in NeoScope™. Filament-wehnelt integral grid Coating allows non...

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