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Catalog excerpts

SMZ18 - 1

Research Stereo Microscope SMZ25/18 Research Stereo Microscope Live zebrash expressing GFP- and RFP-neurons, imaged with Nikon’s latest research stereo microscope, the SMZ25 (uorescence and OCC). Image courtesy of Joe Fetcho, Ph.D., Cornell University.

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SMZ18 - 2

Traditional boundaries between scientic elds such as molecular biology and developmental biology are rapidly disappearing as researchers seek to connect ndings at the molecular level to those derived from cellular, tissue, and organismal studies. Fields including molecular biology, cell biology, neurobiology, embryology, developmental biology and systems biology have increasing needs for imaging systems that span spatial scales from single cells to whole organisms. With these demands in mind, Nikon has developed an all new stereo microscope that features a large zoom ratio of 25:1, high...

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SMZ18 - 3

2 days old Transgenic Zebrash embryo, Tg (isl1-GFP) (using SHR Plan Apo 1x at zoom magnication of 6x with SMZ25) Image courtesy of Hisaya Kakinuma, Ph.D. Laboratory for Developmental Gene Regulation, Developmental Brain Science Group, RIKEN Brain Science Institute Manual zoom model providing advanced optical performance and incredibly bright uorescence at an economical cost Motorized zoom model with the highest zoom ratio and resolution in the SMZ series Motorized zoom Zooming observation Manual zoom BF/DF/FL/Simple polarizing BF/DF/FL/Simple polarizing Maximum magnication Zoom ratio...

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SMZ18 - 4

World’s largest zoom range and incredible resolution Dynamic zoom ratio of 25:1 An innovative optical system known as Perfect Zoom System provides the world’s rst zoom ratio of 25:1 (zoom range: 0.63x - 15.75x). Even with a 1x objective lens, the SMZ25 captures the entire 35mm dish and simultaneously delivers microscopic details. Auto Link Zoom (ALZ) supports seamless viewing at different scales Arthromacra sp. (Using SHR Plan Apo 1x with SMZ25) ALZ automatically adjusts the zoom factor to maintain the same eld of view when switching objective lenses. This function enables seamless...

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SMZ18 - 5

Higher NA in both eye paths coupled with a superior zoom ratio provides seamless viewing on the macro and micro levels. Superior resolution never before seen on a stereomicroscope Nikon’s SMZ25 series offers superior NA of 0.156 on the SHR Plan Apo 1x and 0.312 on the SHR Plan Apo 2x. Traditionally, researchers have had to switch to a higher magnication microscope to view microscopic details after using a stereo microscope to view or manipulate macroscopic structures. Nikon’s SMZ25/18 eliminates this need by providing both macroscopic and microscopic imaging capabilities. For example, the...

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SMZ18 - 6

Bright and high contrast uorescent images Enhanced brightness and uniform illumination in low magnication range Even at low magnication, the SMZ25 series captures the entire 35mm dish with equal brightness over the whole eld of view*, making these new stereo microscopes ideal for live screening of developmental models such as C. elegans, drosophila, zebrash, and mice to identify and select mutants. The SMZ25 series also allows brilliant images to be captured even with low excitation light levels, minimizing photo-bleaching and photo-toxicity which is harmful to live cells and organisms....

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SMZ18 - 7

Newly developed epi-uorescence attachment captures clear uorescence images. Improved S/N ratio and crystal clear uorescent images thanks to an improved optical system Nikon’s newly developed optical system offers a drastic improvement in S/N ratio even at high magnications. This improved S/N ratio makes it possible to capture cell division, which is difcult using conventional stereo microscopes, and samples with low excitation light. The spindle (which is marked with a * in white square) appearing in cell division can be observed. Fertilized mouse egg, Green: Spindle (EGFP- α tubulin), Red:...

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SMZ18 - 8

A wide range of digital imaging capabilities with the Digital Sight series and NIS-Elements imaging software. User-friendly remote controller The all new remote controller provides easy access to zoom and focus controls and is designed for both right and left hand use. The remote controller contains an LCD monitor with an adjustable backlight which provides information regarding the zoom factor, objective lens, lter cube, and LED DIA brightness at a glance. The backlight on the LCD monitor can also be turned off to eliminate interference with low-light imaging applications. In addition to...

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SMZ18 - 9

One software for all systems: NIS-Elements which is Nikon’s agship, cross-platform imaging software can now be used with Nikon’s latest stereomicroscope systems SMZ25 and SMZ18. NIS-Elements enables a wide range of advanced digital imaging capabilities, easily from a PC. Multichannel (multicolor) Multiple uorescent channels can be captured in conjunction with other imaging methods such as OCC or brighteld. Individual cells resolved in a live drosophila embryo expressing GFP and mCherry (using SHR Plan Apo 2x at zoom magnication of 8x with SMZ25) Images taken in individual Overlapping image...

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SMZ18 - 10

Wide range of available accessories Base unit Nikon has improved ease of use by moving the controls to the front of the base, including the brightness adjustment dial and on/off switch. Slim bases Fiber DIA base features condenser lenses that can be switched between low and high magnications. Furthermore, the Oblique Coherent Contrast (OCC) illumination system allows high contrast illumination. The slimmer LED DIA Base and Plain Base help increase efciency of sample manipulation by bringing the level of the sample closer to the table. Conventional base 1 P2-DBF Fiber Diascopic Illumination...

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SMZ18 - 11

SHR Plan Apo series of Objective The SHR Plan Apo series features higher NA, wider eld of view, and superior atness and color aberration correction. These objective lenses can be seamlessly switched because all magnications have the same parfocal distance. The new bayonet mount design allows lenses to be safely and easily removed. Working distance Correction ring Tubes Choose from two types of tilting trinocular tube and one type of low eyelevel trinocular tube. All tubes have a camera port for seamless integration with the Digital Sight series. 1 P2-TERG100 Trinocular Tilting Tube...

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All Nikon Instruments catalogs and technical brochures

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  3. ShuttlePix

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  4. TI-E

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  9. ECLIPSE Ti2

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  10. Eclipse FN1

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  11. Eclipse Ti

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  12. C2 Plus

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  13. A1+ / A1R+

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  14. N-SIM E

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  15. N-STORM 4.1

    13 Pages

  16. A1_MP

    11 Pages

  17. AZ_C1

    2 Pages

  18. MiBrochure

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  19. C2+_2CE-SCHH-5

    16 Pages

  20. NIS-Elements

    8 Pages

  21. AZ100M

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  22. AZ100

    4 Pages

  23. Eclipse Ni

    15 Pages

Archived catalogs