Super Resolution Microscopes
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Super Resolution Microscopes - 1

Super Resolution Microscopes

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Super Resolution Microscopes - 2

_N-SIM S_ Structured illumination microscopy 15 fps image acquisition Lateral resolution of -115 nm Axial resolution of ~269 nm

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Super Resolution Microscopes - 3

The N-SIM S Super Resolution Microscope utilizes a unique high-speed structured illumination system to achieve acquisition speeds of up to 15 fps*, enabling fast biological processes to be captured at twice the spatial resolution of conventional light microscopes (~115nm** in XY). The N-STORM Super Resolution Microscope achieves a 10-fold improvement in resolution compared to conventional light microscopes (~20 nm in XY), enabling observation at the true molecular level. The N-SIM S and N-STORM can be easily combined within the same imaging system for greater flexibility in nanoscale...

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Super Resolution Microscopes - 4

Lamellipodia of NG108 cell labeled with Alexa Fluor® 488 for actin (green) and TRITC-Phalloidin for microtubules (red). Photo courtesy of: Drs. Shizuha Ishiyama and Kaoru Katoh, The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) LLC-PK1 cell labeled with DAPI for nucleus (blue), Alexa Fluor® 488 for microtubules (green) and TRITC-Phalloidin for actin (red). Photo courtesy of: Dr. Kaoru Katoh, The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) See life in super resolution

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Super Resolution Microscopes - 5

Synaptonemal complexes of C. elegans pachytene germ cells labeled with anti-SYP-1 antibodies. Photo courtesy of: Tyler Machovina and Dr. Judith Yanowitz, Magee-Womens Research Institute. Malaria parasite surface (MTIP) labeled with Alexa Fluor ® 488 (green), Erythrocyte membrane (Band 3) labeled with Alexa Fluor ® 568 (red), DNA labeled with DAPI (blue) Scientific Reports DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-22026-0 Photo courtesy of: Drs. Masayuki Morita, Eizo Takashima, Tadahiro Iimura, Takafumi Tsuboi, Proteo-Science Center, Ehime University The N-SIM S combines innovative structured illumination...

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Super Resolution Microscopes - 6

Endosomes of COS7 cell labeled with YFP. Rapid movement of endosomes is captured at high resolution. Image acquisition speed: 6 fps Imaging mode: 3D-SIM Image courtesy of: Yasushi Okada, M.D., Ph.D., Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo Scan the QR code to view a video illustrating super-resolution and widefield images. Capture rapid changes in live cells High-speed super-resolution imaging at 15 fps Nikon’s new high-speed structured illumination system utilizes a novel pattern modulation technology to generate fast and precise switching of illumination...

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Super Resolution Microscopes - 7

Growth cone of NG108 cell labeled with GFP-Lifeact for F-actin. Formation of actin mesh is captured at high-speed. Image acquisition speed: 10 fps Imaging mode: TIRF-SIM Image courtesy of: Drs. Minami Tanaka and Kaoru Katoh, The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) Scan the QR code to view a video illustrating super-resolution and widefield images. Histone H2B-GFP expressing in a HeLa cell. Visualization of fine movements of chromatin domains in different locations. Image acquisition speed: 3.9 fps Imaging mode: 3D-SIM Image courtesy of: Yuko Sato, Ph.D....

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Super Resolution Microscopes - 8

Two-color TIRF-SIM imaging of growth cone of NG108 cell labeled with Alexa Fluor ® 488 for F-actin (green) and Alexa Fluor ® 555 for microtubules (orange) Reconstructed image size: 2048 x 2048 pixels (66 μm x 66 μm with a 100X objective) Sample courtesy of: Drs. Shizuha Ishiyama and Kaoru Katoh, The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) Easily switch between imaging modes for optimal results Automatic switching between illumination modes Newly-developed, high-speed structured illumination technology not only enables fast acquisition rates but also automatic...

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Super Resolution Microscopes - 9

Simultaneous two-channel imaging Simultaneous two-color imaging is possible by utilizing an optional Two Camera Imaging Adaptor* and two sCMOS cameras. * Andor Technology Ltd. Growth cone of NG108 cell expressing GFP-LifeAct (F-actin, green) and mCherry-tubulin (microtubules, red) Photo courtesy of: Dr. Kaoru Katoh, The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) 2D-SIM mode/TIRF-SIM mode This mode captures super-resolution 2D images at high speed with incredible contrast. The TIRF-SIM mode enables Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence observation at double the...

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Super Resolution Microscopes - 10

“N-SIM provides the resolution necessary to identify and evaluate the structural organization of the nuclear lamina*1, *2. Its ease of use and stable performance has made N-SIM an integral research tool in my laboratory.” *1 ol Biol Cell. 2015 Nov 5; 26(22):4075-86. M *2 Nature . 2017 Mar 9; 543(7644):261-264. Dr. Robert D. Goldman Ellison Foundation Senior Scholar, Stephen Walter Ranson Professor, Chair, Dept. of Cell & Mol. Biol., Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University Lamin B1 (red) and Lamin C (green) form separate but interacting meshworks within the lamina of the...

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Super Resolution Microscopes - 11

Ti2-E with double layer configuration with Perfect Focus Unit Motorized HG fiber illuminator Intensilight TI2-LA-HTIRF H-TIRF module with TI2-LA-FL Epi-Fl module TI2-LA-NS2 N-STORM module 2 with TI2-LA-FL Epi-Fl module** TI2-FT N-SIM motorizedfilter turret LU-NV series laser unit ORCA-Flash4.0 sCMOS camera (Hamamatsu Photonics K.K.) * Required when used with confocal system * Required when configured with N-STORM *** Supplied with microscope main body N-SIM S Specifications Lateral resolution (FWHM of beads in xy) *1 These values are measured using 100 nm diameter beads excited by a 488 nm...

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Super Resolution Microscopes - 12

a: Hippocampal neurons and glia in culture b: Growth cone of a neuron in culture Experience the nanoscale universe

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Super Resolution Microscopes - 13

c: Glia in a neuronal culture d: COS cells 3D-STORM imaging of actin labeled with Alexa Fluor ® 647 Phalloidin using depth-code pseudo color. Image “a” shows four types of actin organization, from bottom left to top right: the cell body of a neuron, a glial cell with stress fibers, a neuronal dendrite with spines, and an axon. Photos courtesy of: Dr. Christophe Leterrier, NeuroCyto team, NICN CNRS-AMU UMR7259, Marseille, France STochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy (STORM) reconstructs a super-resolution image by combining precise localization information for individual fluorophores...

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