desktop dts


Catalog excerpts

desktop dts - 2

The Desktop Direct Transmission System (DTS) for EMG and other biomechanical sensors directly transmits data from the electrode or sensor site to a desktop receiver. This direct transmission concept greatly simplifies the arrangement of EMG measurements by eliminating the need to arrange cable connections between the EMG electrodes and EMG amplifier. The small light weight probes are also beneficial for small subjects like children and small animals. The DTS system can operate any configuration between 4 and 16 channels. The default system is equipped with EMG preamplifiers but can be...

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desktop dts - 3

Symmetry and Coordination Tests These various tests allow for the comparison of affected and unaffected sides. Display the EMG and histogram statistics for unilateral, bilateral, multi joint and symmetrical movements. Evaluate the neuromuscular coordination and compare innervation deficiencies between right and left sides. Average Activation Patterns Clinicians can assess repeated movement sequences and exercises while creating averaged and time normalized EMG patterns. Analyze the typical innervation structure of movements. Feedback Training Use the bar graph display of signals to provide...

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desktop dts - 4

Specifications DDTS Receiver: - USB connection to PC - TTL SV sync input - TTL 3.3V sync output - 16 analog outputs via DB-25 connector - Power requirement: 5V 800mA Output and Transmission Frequency (country specific) - Up to 2.5mW - 20 meters DTS probe transmission range - DSS2403-2472 MHz on (up to) 8 selectable radio channels TECHNICAL DATA ■ 1.34"L x 0.95"W x .55"H 3.4cm x 2.4cm x 1.4cm ■ Weight: less than 14 grams EMG Preamplifier Leads No notch (50/60Hz) filters 1st order high-pass filters set to 10Hz +/- 10% cutoff Baseline noise: <1uV RMS Input impedance > 100 Mohm CMR >...

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All NORAXON catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Telemyo dts

    4 Pages

  2. myoRESEARCH

    30 Pages

  3. FDM - Plates

    2 Pages

  4. miniDTS

    2 Pages

  5. Clinical DTS

    4 Pages

Archived catalogs

  1. MR3

    8 Pages