Catalog excerpts
© novel gmbh 2014 pedar® Insole Catalogue | information subject to change without notice
Open the catalog to page 1Technical data insole sizes sensor thickness (mm) thickness of leads number of sensors pressure range (kPa) hysteresis (%) resolution (kPa) offset temperature drift (kPa/K) frequency response (0-100 Hz) min. bending radius (mm) pressure change due bending (kPa) © novel gmbh 2014 pedar® Insole Catalogue | information subject to change without notice
Open the catalog to page 2International Shoe Sizes Important note When printing pages related to the sizes you were interested in, please check whether the printing option "shrink to page/expand to page" is ticked off. This will allow to have the real size printed out, as otherwise it will be altered. After printing please check the scale (100mm, in the bottom line of page) if it is showing the correct length. © novel gmbh 2014 pedar® Insole Catalogue | information subject to change without notice
Open the catalog to page 3Order form / Bestellliste - pedar® insoles Please attach this form to your official order form. / Bitte fugen Sie diese Liste Ihrer Bestellung bei. Danke. Children Insoles / Kindersohlen (connector length min. 90 mm / Lange der Anschlusslasche min. 90 mm) item name European size page number of insoles Bezeichnung Europaische GroBe Seite Anzahl left/links right/rechts Adult Insoles (Standard width)/Erwachsenensohlen (Standardweite) (connector length min. 170 mm / Lange der Anschlusslasche min. 170 mm) item name European size page number of insoles Bezeichnung Europaische GroBe Seite Anzahl...
Open the catalog to page 4Order form / Bestellliste – pedar® insoles Please attach this form to your official order form. / Bitte fügen Sie diese Liste Ihrer Bestellung bei. Danke. Adult Insoles (Extra wide) / Erwachsenensohlen (extraweit) (connector length min. 170 mm / Länge der Anschlusslasche min. 170 mm) item name European size page Bezeichnung Europäische Größe Seite VE 38/39 29 WE 40/41 30 XE 42/43 31 YE 44/45 32 number of insoles Anzahl left / links right / rechts Adult Insoles (long connectors) / Erwachsenensohlen (lange Anschlusslaschen) (connector length min. 370 mm / Länge der Anschlusslasche min. 370...
Open the catalog to page 5Children Insoles Insole European Size novel gmbh 2014 pedar® Insole Catalogue | information subject to change without notice
Open the catalog to page 6© novel gmbh 2014 pedar® Insole Catalogue ©novelgmbh 02/07/2007 pedarInsoleCatalogue | information subject to change without notice
Open the catalog to page 7© novel gmbh 2014 pedar® Insole Catalogue ©novelgmbh 02/07/2007 pedarInsoleCatalogue | information subject to change without notice
Open the catalog to page 8© novel gmbh 2014 pedar® Insole Catalogue ©novelgmbh 02/07/2007 pedarInsoleCatalogue | information subject to change without notice
Open the catalog to page 9© novel gmbh 2014 pedar® Insole Catalogue ©novelgmbh 02/07/2007 pedarInsoleCatalogue | information subject to change without notice
Open the catalog to page 10© novel gmbh 2014 pedar® Insole Catalogue ©novelgmbh 02/07/2007 pedarInsoleCatalogue | information subject to change without notice
Open the catalog to page 11© novel gmbh 2014 pedar® Insole Catalogue ©novelgmbh 02/07/2007 pedarInsoleCatalogue | information subject to change without notice
Open the catalog to page 12© novel gmbh 2014 pedar® Insole Catalogue ©novelgmbh 02/07/2007 pedarInsoleCatalogue | information subject to change without notice
Open the catalog to page 13Adult Insoles Insole European Size novel gmbh 2014 pedar® Insole Catalogue | information subject to change without notice
Open the catalog to page 14© novel gmbh 2014 pedar® Insole Catalogue ©novelgmbh 02/07/2007 pedarInsoleCatalogue | information subject to change without notice
Open the catalog to page 15© novel gmbh 2014 pedar® Insole Catalogue ©novelgmbh 02/07/2007 pedarInsoleCatalogue | information subject to change without notice
Open the catalog to page 161:1 100 mm (3,94´) © novel gmbh 2014 pedar® Insole Catalogue | information subject to change without notice ©novelgmbh 02/07/2007 pedarInsoleCatalogue
Open the catalog to page 171:1 100 mm (3,94´) © novel gmbh 2014 pedar® Insole Catalogue | information subject to change without notice ©novelgmbh 02/07/2007 pedarInsoleCatalogue
Open the catalog to page 181:1 100 mm (3,94´) © novel gmbh 2014 pedar® Insole Catalogue | information subject to change without notice ©novelgmbh 02/07/2007 pedarInsoleCatalogue
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Open the catalog to page 21Adult Insoles Insole European Size novel gmbh 2014 pedar® Insole Catalogue | information subject to change without notice
Open the catalog to page 22© novel gmbh 2014 pedar® Insole Catalogue ©novelgmbh 02/07/2007 pedarInsoleCatalogue | information subject to change without notice
Open the catalog to page 23© novel gmbh 2014 pedar® Insole Catalogue ©novelgmbh 02/07/2007 pedarInsoleCatalogue | information subject to change without notice
Open the catalog to page 24© novel gmbh 2014 pedar® Insole Catalogue ©novelgmbh 02/07/2007 pedarInsoleCatalogue | information subject to change without notice
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Open the catalog to page 261:1 100 mm (3,94´) © novel gmbh 2014 pedar® Insole Catalogue | information subject to change without notice ©novelgmbh 02/07/2007 pedarInsoleCatalogue
Open the catalog to page 27© novel gmbh 2014 pedar® Insole Catalogue | information subject to change without notice ©novelgmbh 02/07/2007 pedarInsoleCatalogue
Open the catalog to page 28Adult Insoles Extra Wide Insole European Size novel gmbh 2014 pedar® Insole Catalogue | information subject to change without notice
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Open the catalog to page 31© novel gmbh 2014 pedar® Insole Catalogue ©novelgmbh 02/07/2007 pedarInsoleCatalogue | information subject to change without notice
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