OmniRx TT
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OmniRx TT - 1

Automation Systems OMNICELL and the OMNICELL design mark, OMNICENTER, OMNIRX, and TOUCH & GO are trademarks or registered trademarks of Omnicell, Inc. in the United States and internationally. All other trademarks and trade names are the property of their respective owners. © 2001-2004 PN 201-6/04. Ideal for operating rooms, cath labs, nursing homes, assisted living centers, and other areas short on space, the OmniRx TT provides automated dispensing of medications in a secure and controlled manner within a flexible, space-efficient system. Modular, Space-Efficient Design Measuring just 24.5" high by 26" wide by 23.5" deep, the OmniRx TT facilitates the automated dispensing of medications in areas where space is limited and fewer medications are typically needed. The system fits easily on any counter or table and can be bolted to the surface to provide additional security. The OmniRx TT can also be integrated with Omnicell’s auxiliary cabinet options to maintain a single user interface for supply and medication dispensing throughout the facility. Small Footprint, Large Capacity Despite its small size, the OmniRx TT provides plenty of space for medication dispensing. A single system can hold up to 288 items. Flexible Security Levels Providing a full spectrum of security options, the OmniRx TT can accommodate a wide variety of drawer types, including the high-security FlexBin Single-Dose Drawer, the high-security locking drawer, the medium-security Sensing Drawer, the Lighted Matrix Drawer, and the Matrix Drawer. Greater Accountability and Control The OmniRx TT includes the easy-to-use Omnicell Color Touch graphical user interface. Using this touch-screen technology, users simply enter their user ID and password to access the system. Alternatively, users can use integrated magnetic or optical card readers, or Touch & Go™, 1201 Charleston Road, Mountain View, CA 94043 Omnicell’s biometric, positive ID system, to gain access to the OmniRx TT. Integrated with the OmniCenter® server, the OmniRx TT provides greater accountability for medications and allows the pharmacy to maintain tight control over narcotics and other sensitive medications. Height: 24.5" Width: 26" Depth: 23.5" Total Footprint: 4.25 sq. ft. Weight: 115 lbs. (excluding variable drawer weight) For more information about OmniRx TT, please call (800) 850-6664, e-mail, or visit

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