Group: Omron Global
Catalog excerpts
Product Specifications Name: O RO D A aticBloodPressureM M N igital utom onitor C andBladder Set, Large, 32-42cmcircum uff ference O scillom m etric ethod C andBladder Set, ExtraLarge, 42-50cm uff circum ferencew integratedair tube ith Measurement Range: Pressure;W ±3m H or 2% ithin mg Pulserate;W ±5%of reading ithin A aticinflationw pum utom ith ping PoleM ountingKit A aticdeflationb electrom utom y agneticcontrol valve A aticrapidair releaseb electrom utom y agneticcontrol valve Pressure Detection: Electrostaticcapacitysem i-conductor pressuresensor Power supply: ElectricShock Protection Method: W eight of Main Unit: External Dimensions: IEC60601-1:1998+A1:1991+A2:1995 G eneral requirem for safety ents IEC60601-1-2:1993 Electrom agneticcom patibility- Requirem andtests ents AAM SP10:1992 I M anual, Electronicor A atedSphygm anom utom om eters HEM-TUBE-130 AirT 1.3mW ube, orkingLengthfor sm m all, edium , andlargecuffs BloodPressureM onitor, C (ExtraLarge, Large, uffs M ediumandSm andBladder Set, 1.3mAirT , all) ube, AA C dapter, andBatteryPack Pickering et al. Recom endationsfor bloodp , m ressurem easurem inhum andexperim anim ents ans ental als, C irculation2005, 111(5):697-716. 2 N EnglandJournal of M ew edicine 2008; 358: 2545-59. 3 TheJournal of C linical H ypertensionVol 11N . 10O 2009p542 o ct . 4 AmJEm M 1995; 13:204-210. C yright © 1995b W SaundersC p erg ed op y .B. om any 1 Professional Digital Blood Pressure Monitor HEM-907XL with stand option Accuracy counts, Trust Omron
Open the catalog to page 1HEM-907XL Accuracy Healthcare Professionals Trust Versatility Healthcare Professionals Expect The HEM-907XL Professional Blood Pressure Monitor is designed for clinical use in The HEM-907XL Professional Blood Pressure Monitor provides unique features professional settings, including physicians’ offices, hospitals and other point of care environments. to meet your individual patient needs giving you the flexibility Because hypertension affects nearly one in three Americans1, it is vitally important to efficiently customize your diagnostic approach. to have a reliable instrument to help...
Open the catalog to page 2HEM-907XL Accuracy Healthcare Professionals Trust Versatility Healthcare Professionals Expect The HEM-907XL Professional Blood Pressure Monitor is designed for clinical use in The HEM-907XL Professional Blood Pressure Monitor provides unique features professional settings, including physicians’ offices, hospitals and other point of care environments. to meet your individual patient needs giving you the flexibility Because hypertension affects nearly one in three Americans1, it is vitally important to efficiently customize your diagnostic approach. to have a reliable instrument to help...
Open the catalog to page 3Product Specifications Name: O RO D A aticBloodPressureM M N igital utom onitor C andBladder Set, Large, 32-42cmcircum uff ference O scillom m etric ethod C andBladder Set, ExtraLarge, 42-50cm uff circum ferencew integratedair tube ith Measurement Range: Pressure;W ±3m H or 2% ithin mg Pulserate;W ±5%of reading ithin A aticinflationw pum utom ith ping PoleM ountingKit A aticdeflationb electrom utom y agneticcontrol valve A aticrapidair releaseb electrom utom y agneticcontrol valve Pressure Detection: Electrostaticcapacitysem i-conductor pressuresensor Power supply: ElectricShock Protection...
Open the catalog to page 4