Optor Lab 3D Scanner
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Catalog excerpts

Optor Lab 3D Scanner - 2

Optor Lab is the laboratory scanner par excellence, with a unique line and all the made in Italy quality. Its mechanical and electronic systemof the latest generation always guarantees precise movementsfor each scanning process.

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Optor Lab 3D Scanner - 3

Its 2.4 mpx cameras are the targeted choice to detect every detail of the scanned object and give exceptional results. The guarantee of quality is also in the smallestdetails of the production process in every single component.

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Optor Lab 3D Scanner - 4

Optor Lab Performanceand Advanced add further precision, repeatability, and automatic calibration, for resultsguaranteed by the industry ISO standards. Optor Lab Advanced allows you to scan areas impossible to reach for any other model thanks to its Triple scan acquisition. *Only on advanced *Only on performancee advanced

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Optor Lab 3D Scanner - 5

Technical Specification *only on performance e advanced Scan speed (full arch) Weight Export formats Open Tech 3D srl Via Giovanni XIII75A Rezzato BS Italy +39 030 6364891

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