Camera endoscopy_OP-714


Catalog excerpts

Camera endoscopy_OP-714 - 1

SUPERIOR IMAGE QUALITY High performance Digital image control High resolution

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Camera endoscopy_OP-714 - 2

The OPTOMIC OP-714 camera for endoscopy is widely used in medical applications for both diagnosis and surgery, where superior image quality is essential. Thanks to its DSP technology based processor, the camera offers high performance and a precise adjustment of the different parameters on which the specialist can rely. OP-714 OP-714 Th e u s e r- f r i e n d l y i n t e r f a c e o f t h e O P - 7 1 4 c a m e r a m a ke s i t v e r y e a s y t o o p e r a t e. Th e d e v i c e i s f u l l y a u t o m a t i c f e a t u r i n g a n Automatic Light Control system (ALC) that ensures optimum...

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