Catalog excerpts

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ENT CHAIR “Quality, design, ergonomics, safety, resistance, stability, precision and a long life span are synonyms of OPTOMIC chairs.” Ergonomics for the Doctor ONE OF THE MAIN ergonomic advantages of this chair is the possibility it offers the specialist, due to its well studied design, of easily and comfortably reaching every area of t h e p a t i e n t t h a t r e q u i r e s e x a m i n a t i o n . O P TO M I C has developed a chair designed for the comfort o f b o t h p a t i e n t a n d d o c t o r. O u r p h i l o s o p h y i s based on the idea that not only the patient m u s t b e...
Open the catalog to page 2
ELECTROMAGNETIC ROTATION AND BRAKE Th e p a t i e n t c a n t u r n v e r y s a f e l y a n d s m o o t h l y, d u e t o t h e c h a i r ’s s t r o n g b e a r i n g s o f h i g h r e s i s t a n c e c o n i c a l r o l l e r s. MOTORIZED BACKREST RISING AND LOWERING SYSTEM It is controlled by a processor which enables the chair to be set in any of the selected positions, depending on the user setting. FUNCTION CONTROL Using any of the four redundant keyboards placed on different sides
Open the catalog to page 3
OP-S10 [ O P -S 10 ] Comfortable for Doctor and Patient STUDIED IN DEPTH to develop a product w h i c h a d a p t s i t s e l f t o t h e d o c t o r ’s e r g o nomics in action. Its great capacity and reduced size ensure that the chair structure does n o t h i n d e r t h e d o c t o r ’s m o v e m e n t s. I t s s t u r d i n e s s m a ke s i t p o s s i b l e t o m o v e l a r g e p a t i e n t s. Concave legrest: when horizontal it h o l d s t h e p a t i e n t ’s c a l v e s f o r g r e a t e r comfort and relaxation. BACKREST TRAVELLING SYSTEM O n l i n e a r g u i d e s, i t t r a v...
Open the catalog to page 4
NARROW LEGREST AND FOOTREST It allows for easy approach to the patient without the doctor having to open his or Prevents patient from spreading legs. Allows doctor to get closer to patient when working in front or front-side position, ROBUST FOOTREST Despite its small frame, the footrest is very sturdy and can hold the bulk of the patient´s weight. Fold-down Footrest When the chair is horizontal, the footrest folds down automatically to avoid pain from contact between the heels and the metal.
Open the catalog to page 5
OP-S10 [ O P -S 1 0 ] SOLID FOLDING ARMRESTS CONCAVITY BETWEEN SEAT AND BACKREST With stainless steel axes and padded in wash a b l e p o l y - u r e t h a n e. Th e y f o l d d o w n t o p r o v i d e greater comfort for large patients and lateral t e s t s. Th e d o c t o r c a n g e t c l o s e t o t h e p a t i e n t s t a n ding up or sitting down, helped by the shape of the backrest. It also enables the patient to sit s i d e w a y s. HEADREST WITH PNEUMATIC SYSTEM HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT It incorporates a quick removal system which facilitates the execution of positional tests a n d r o u...
Open the catalog to page 6
OP-S10 GREAT STABILITY AND STURDINESS This describes the chair’s base. Its practical base ends allow the doctor to m o v e o v e r t h e m w i t h a r o l l i n g c h a i r, s o there is only the minimum space between patient and specialist. ELEVATOR ARM A self-compensated parallelogram makes it possible to increase the chair’s load, providing g r e a t e r s a f e t y a n d s t a b i l i t y. SINGLE KEY FOR TRENDELENBURG POSITION It works in an emergency situation taking the chair to this position automatically (-10º) and raising the patient to a comfortable intervention position. The...
Open the catalog to page 7
UP / DOWN MOVEMENTS BACKREST AND LEGREST MOVEMENT PROGRAMMABLE MEMORIES MOVEMENT CONTROL SAFETY BLOCKING UPHOLSTERY 6 memories (4 programmable + 80º Position + Trendelenburg) 4 keyboards and foot pedal (optional) Stop and safety in a single key PUR melting, no seams, latex free, washable (available in several colours) Folding armrests Adjustable headrest, Variable height and inclination. Removable CHAIR ROTATION 300º with mechanical buffers and electromagnetic brake TRENDELENBURG POSITION Pre-programmed movement 80º NASAL EXAMINATION POSITION Pre-programmed movement SLIDING BACKREST...
Open the catalog to page 8All OPTOMIC catalogs and technical brochures
12 Pages
2 Pages
HeadLight OP-HL15D
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2 Pages
Camera endoscopy_OP-714
2 Pages
OP- C5
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Light source_fibrolux LED HP
4 Pages
8 Pages
12 Pages
Gynecology chair OP-G7+
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2 Pages
2 Pages
Compact Trolley
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workstation_Otosmart Compact
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VIdeo System_OP-TV10HD
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Video System_OP-TV8
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Chair _OP-S7
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2 Pages
2 Pages
Monitor_OP_MV22-MD FHD
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Portable LED light_OP-LS5
2 Pages
Head Lamp_OP-LF5
2 Pages
8 Pages
2 Pages
Camera endoscopy_ OP-2000HD
4 Pages
2 Pages
Software-Digitally Soft HD
2 Pages
8 Pages