OP- C5


Catalog excerpts

OP- C5 - 1

producing quality THE BEST QUALITY IN COLPOSCOPIC IMAGING LA MEJOR CALIDAD EN IMAGEN COLPOSCÓPICA 3 pasos Regulación dióptrica Movimientos suaves 5 magnification steps High brightness Smooth movements

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OP- C5 - 2

OP-C5 SOPHISTICATION IN COLPOSCOPY OPTOMIC’s OP-C5 Colposcope has been designed minding every detail to create the highest sophistication in colposcopy. Its exceptional engineering covers all the needs for diagnosis and small surgeries in a comfortable and effective way. Its stylized, lightweight and sturdy silhouette and its delicate mobility make it comfortable to use and adaptable to the smallest medical offices. Its lenses and LED light source provide the OP-C5 Colposcope with excellent optical quality, resulting in bright and sharp images. As a result of the multiple accessories as...

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OP- C5 - 3


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OP- C5 - 4

MOVEMENT, TURNS AND BRAKES LIMITLESS SMOOTH Compact and agile, can be moved and placed in the desired position with just one hand. As a result of its elegant technology, integrating angular bearings and Teflon discs, the OP-C5 Colposcope achieves fluidity in movement and turns sensitive to touch. CONTROL HANDLE M O BILE M O U N TI N G The angle of inclination of the head can be Provides firm and safe support, and the ability to move the equipment as required by the controlled, improving ergonomics. The brake is activated with a gentle twist of the wrist user thanks to its five omnidirectional...

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OP- C5 - 5

SLOW DOWN AS FAST AS YOU WISH The OP-C5’s brakes, with friction adjustment, allow you to control its performance and keep the equipment in the desired position. Its stable design makes the equipment unique for an optimal result, facilitating any necessary movement during scanning. The equipment vertical movement of this Colposcope can be completely blocked to increase precision while using the micromanipulator with the CO2 laser. Elegance in movement and strong fixation for greater safety. “FLUID MOVEMENT AND FIRM BRAKE. THE CORE OF ITS ACCURA

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OP- C5 - 6

LENSES, EYEPIECES AND MAGNIFICATIONS VISIBLE ACCURACY This equipment provides perfect vision with bright, high-resolution images and optimal color fidelity. More intuitive and with an improved focus, make the OP-C5 the ideal equipment to recognize anomalous structures. Its micrometric focus ensures focalization to observe the working area with accuracy and sharpness. The optional varifocal lens makes it possible to vary the focused working field without having to move the head in relation to the patient. With independent dioptric (+/-5) and interpupillary distance regulations

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OP- C5 - 7

- f= 300mm (optional f=250mm). - Varifocal f= 200mm to 350mm (optional). HIGHER PERFORMANCE More magnifications to choose from with the 5-position Galileo system changer. “MAGNIFYING IS THE ART OF APPRECIATING THE SMALLEST THINGS.

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OP- C5 - 8

LIGHT SYSTEM PROGRESS BROUGHT TO LIGHT The OP-C5 Colposcope mounts the Fibrolux LED HP light source, the optional hand control gives the possibility of regulating the intensity and filters in a more comfortable way during the examinations. Its green filter converts red to black, in order to distinguish vascularization for accurate diagnosis. This high-performance, high-intensity light source provides more than 60.000 working hours, allowing for reduced costs and maintenance. The Fibrolux LED HP can be quickly and easily removed and used for other tasks as hysteroscopy or laparoscopy. “OUR...

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OP- C5 - 9

COLPOSCOPE OP-C5 MICROMANIPULATOR FOR CO2 LASER (optional) The micromanipulators of the main brands on the market can be adapted to the OP-C5 for use with CO2 laser. This allows less invasive vaporizations and conizations to be performed. The fine focus and all the movement and brakes characteristics of the Colposcope, enhance the precision of the procedure. EXAMINATION CHAIR OP-G7 + (optional) The Colposcope can be adapted to OPTOMIC's OP-G7+ examination chair by means of a uniquely designed, sturdy stand. This allows to configure a complete and compact solution enabling space optimization...

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OP- C5 - 10

VIDEOCO LPOSCOPY SYSTEM O FULL HD TECHNOLOGY AT YOUR FINGERTIPS The OP-TV10HD beam splitter is the most convenient solution designed to convert the OP-C5 into a sophisticated high-definition digital videocolposcopy equipment. Several options make this a compact and easy-management device. For instance, projecting the image on a monitor, with area selection for optimizing automatically light parameters, and the possibility of video recording through a capture system for subsequent analysis. This makes the OP-C5 the perfect device for training and go over previous medical exams. “BEST IMAGES...

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OP- C5 - 11

Full HD medical grade monitor of 22” (optional) Achieve image definition with an excellent level of detail and high color fidelity. Great variety of highresistance supports to fit every need. Full HD resolution 1920 x 1080 / 16.7 million colors. Input channels: - 1x HDMI - Composite video - 1 input connector / 1 output connector (loop-through out) - 1x DVI - 1x VGA - 1x SD-SDI 3G/HD - BNC With articulated arm to place the laptop in the desired working position.

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OP- C5 - 12

FEATURES HEAD BINOCULAR EYEPIECES OBJECTIVES MAGNIFICATIONS CHANGER RANGE OF MAGNIFICATIONS LIGHT SYSTEM LIGHT CONDUCTION MOVEMENT SYSTEM ARM MOUNTING OPTIONS WEIGHT (body) OPTIONAL ACCESORIES Stereoscopic with fine focus. Inclined 45°. Wide field. Adjustable interpupillary distance: from 49 to 80mm. Dioptric adjustment of +/- 5 diopters. Objective f=300mm (optional f=250mm) / Varifocal 200-350mm (optional). 5 steps Galilei magnifications changer (0,4x, 0,6x, lx, 1,6x, 2,5x). 2,5x up to 27x depending on the chosen combination of objective, binocular and eyepieces. Coaxial through objective....

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