software-Digitally Soft Gynaecology


Catalog excerpts

software-Digitally Soft Gynaecology - 1

Video and image capture HD Medical record management Personalized reports

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software-Digitally Soft Gynaecology - 2

Digitally Soft HD is an integral patient management software, which allows to store and manage data from clinical records. It captures videos and photographs from any video source and quickly creates customized reports. DIGITALLY SOFT HD Crea tio n a n d m o d ific a tio n o f th e p a tien t’s c lin ic al r e cor ds. V isits rec o rd s. Qu ic k sea rc h o f p a tien ts. Still im a g es a n d v id eo c a p tu re. Co n tro l o f m a in fu n c tio n s v ia a ta c tile sc reen (o pt ional). User c o n tro l v ia p a ssw o rd . Wo rks in a n etw o rk, sh a rin g a d a ta b a se. P red efin ed...

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