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Catalog excerpts

TheraGo - 1

Functional therapeutic orthotics range ORLIMAN S. L. U. C/ Ausias March, 3 46185 La Pobla de Vallbona · Valencia (Spain) Tel.: +34 96 272 57 04 - Fax: +34 96 275 87 00 E-mail: ·

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TheraGo - 2

Basic concepts and the development of Thera Go® Thera Go® Range 8 Lower limb 16  Upper limb 22  Overview of the line Advertising mater

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TheraGo - 4

Basic concepts FUNCTIONAL Therapy Finding solutions for new trends in trauma and chronic injury rehabilitation is essential at Orliman®. Several studies have found rehabilitation is much faster with early mobilisation methods in addition to achieving a higher degree of patient satisfaction. Functional orthotics are designed to improve neuromuscular function, increase static and dynamic balance and reduce the possibility of repeat injury. EFFECTIVE Compression Muscle fibre The multi-directional compression provided prevents liquid build-up, reduces stress on the soft tissues and stimulates...

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AESTHETIC Design The modern design for this range is inspired by the anatomic structures of each body segment. The use of organic shapes provides patients with a feeling of protection and movement. DYNAMIC Rehabilitation Prolonged or unnecessary immobilisation leads to greater functional restriction and, thus, more rigidness in the injured joint or tissue. Thera Go® was developed to make functional recovery easier for patients. Besides planning in collaboration with healthcare professionals, the use of Thera Go® orthotics ideally prepares patients for their daily life and sports.

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COMFORTABLE AND RESISTANT FABRIC The fabric is a combination of e lastic and non-elastic threads for functional and effective rehabilitation. 1  High compression elastomer Reinforced ends for anatomic adaptation, thereby expanding the useful life of the product. Silicone tips on the inside to prevent the support from moving during activity. The seams have been minimised on the inside for comfortable use without bothersome chafing. Therapeutic support Fine, light fabric Immense breathability

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TECHNICAL DETAILS FOR CONTROLLED RECOVERY The viscoelastic pads apply a micro-massage effect that fosters the reabsorption of oedema and bruising during movement. The fitting straps accurately graduate the fit applied in an evolutional and personalised manner. They adapt to each phase of rehabilitation. The rigid components ensure proper stabilisation of the joint and controlled functional activity.

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Thera Go® range LOWER LIMB Functional elastic knee support with stabilisers Functional elastic knee support with joints Functional elastic thigh support Functional elastic calf support Functional elastic ankle support UPPER LIMB Functional elastic shoulder support Functional elastic elbow support Functional elastic wrist support

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Functional elastic knee support with stabilisers SIZES | cm ++ Effects ·· Knee stabilisation, securing and compression. ·· Better proprioception. ++ Indications ·· Patellar instability. ·· Effusion and swelling caused by arthrosis and arthritis. ·· Fibromyalgia. ·· Sprains and contusions. ·· Post-surgical and post-trauma

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FINE, LIGHT FABRIC MULTI-DIRECTIONAL COMPRESSION IMMENSE BREATHABILITY THERAPEUTIC SUPPORT A viscoelastic patella pad with reinforced shinbone protection and pressure relief from the patellar tendon. Enables proper control of the kneecap line and the relief points apply a micro-massage effect that fosters the reabsorption of oedema and bruising during knee movement. Spiral stabilisers for better mediolateral control. They also prevent the support from deforming during movement.

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Functional elastic knee support with joints SIZES | cm ++ Effects ·· Knee stabilisation, securing and compression. ·· Better proprioception. ·· Patellar and mediolateral instability. ·· Meniscus injuries. ·· Effusion and swelling caused by arthrosis and arthritis. ·· Fibromyalgia. ·· Sprains and contusions. ·· Post-surgical and post-traum

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FINE, LIGHT FABRIC MULTI-DIRECTIONAL COMPRESSION IMMENSE BREATHABILITY THERAPEUTIC SUPPORT Removable rigid straps for custom compression and to relieve pressure in the knee area. EVOLUTIONAL SUPPORT 3 degrees of stabilisation Includes removable polycentric joints to stabilise the joints, accompany movement and prevent a hyperextended knee. A viscoelastic patella pad with reinforced shinbone protection and pressure relief from the patellar tendon. Enables proper control of the kneecap line and the relief points apply a micro-massage effect that fosters the reabsorption of oedema and bruising...

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Functional elastic thigh support SIZES | cm Includes removable elastic straps for custom compression, to stimulate blood circulation and relieve pressure on the painful area. Thigh perimeter ·· Support and compression for the thigh muscles. FINE, LIGHT FABRIC ·· Lower swelling and oedema in the injured muscles. ·· Better proprioception. IMMENSE BREATHABILITY ++ Indications ·· Muscle strain and contusions. ·· Torn or ruptured muscles. MULTIDIRECTIONAL COMPRESSION SUPPORT 2 degrees of stabilisation ·· Post-trauma irritation.

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Functional elastic calf support 4 ·· Support and compression for the calf muscles. Calf perimeter ·· Lower swelling and oedema in the injured muscles. FINE, LIGHT FABRIC ·· Better proprioception. IMMENSE BREATHABILITY ·· Muscle strain and contusions. ·· Torn or ruptured muscles. ·· Post-trauma irritation. Includes removable elastic straps for custom compression, to stimulate blood circulation and relieve pressure on the painful area. MULTIDIRECTIONAL COMPRESSION THERAPEUTIC SUPPORT SUPPORT 2 degrees of stab

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Functional elastic ankle support SIZES | cm 5 ·· Ankle stabilisation, securing and compression. ·· Better proprioception. ++ Indications ·· Sprains and contusions. ·· Fibromyalgia. ·· Effusion and swelling caused by arthrosis and arthritis. ·· Post-surgical and post-trauma irritation.

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All Orliman catalogs and technical brochures

  1. SH-T210

    10 Pages

  2. 3-TEX

    16 Pages

  3. Orliven

    6 Pages

  4. FeetPAD

    20 Pages

  5. One plus

    16 Pages


    32 Pages

  7. SPORT

    7 Pages

  8. Sitlive

    36 Pages


    21 Pages

  10. Dorsotech®

    12 Pages


    8 Pages

  12. Boxia® Plus

    8 Pages

  13. 3-Tex®

    1 Pages