Catalog excerpts

PAMAS SBSS Particle counting system for liquids Laboratory particle counter for liquids with a viscosity of up to 1600 cSt with an external pressure supply and precise flow rate control for numerous fluids including: Hydraulic oils Turbine and insulation oils Gear and engine oils Highly volatile fluids Water based hydraulic fluids Phosphate ester based hydraulic fluids Parenterals, protein solutions according to common pharmacopoeias
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PAMAS SBSS Particle counting system for liquids Accurate single particle counting technique The volumetric sensor cell and sophisticated optical components guarantee high resolution and accuracy. Every particle passing through the sensor is detected. This design ensures the true measurement of the fluid sample including ultra clean fluids. Software PAMAS USP Straightforward selection of default measurement methods according to pharmacopoeias Easy setting of customer specific measurement methods Automatic evaluation of measurement results according to defined criteria (pass/fail) Software...
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