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Parata HOA Software Part of a complete, patient-centered retail adherence program, HOA supports pharmacists’ role as health care providers and coaches. As the health care industry strives to improve patient outcomes and reduce health care spending, pharmacists are playing a key role as medication management experts. Through a comprehensive medication adherence program, you can help patients better manage their medications and their health. Parata HOA software is an affordable tool to help create and manage patient-focused adherence programs. Choose an easy-to-use solution. Parata HOA software was developed to fill pharmacies’ need for a platform to manage synchronized medications and support adherence programs for retail patients. Its intuitive, attractive interface makes it easy to: • Support appointment-based medication therapy management Keep record of patient responses and data Customize dosage times by patient Assign patients to a filling cycle based on delivery area or workflow considerations Manage prescription refills, authorizations and modifications with prescribers Make every patient interaction count. Parata HOA software supports appointment-based medication therapy management and motivational interviewing with questions intended to provide insight into patients’ medical conditions and lifestyles, helping you identify potential barriers to medication adherence. Create standard sets of questions within categories — disease state, for example — based on your pharmacy’s needs and program. For each patient, select the applicable categories. Parata HOA software will prompt you through patient interviews and keep a historical record of each patient’s responses. Manage refills efficiently to support growth. Parata HOA software guides your scheduling and processes for refills, lending predictability to your workflow and maximizing your efficiency. Once a patient’s medications are synchronized, Parata HOA software will prompt you to assign them to a filling cycle. A few days before a group’s medications are scheduled to be prepared and delivered, the patient refill management tool will prompt you to call the patient and identify scripts that require renewal or authorization from the prescribing physician. After making any necessary adjustments, the prescriptions are ready for packaging. As your program grows, simply stagger groups’ start dates to accommodate the increasing volume. Expect easy integration. Parata interfaces with the most common host systems, making Parata HOA software an easy addition to your pharmacy. Parata HOA software integrates with Parata PASS Ware™ software, Parata PASS packagers, and Parata Max® and Parata Mini® dispensing solutions. For pharmacies serving both retail patients and long-term care communities, Parata HOA software can be used alongside long-term care modules. Keep pace with the changing industry. Parata HOA software is owned and developed by Parata. Our software engineers continuously innovate in response to customer feedback, new pharmacy business models and the rapidly changing health care industry. Tailor dosage times to each patient’s needs. “Morning” and “Evening” differ from patient to patient. Unlike facility-focused software solutions, Parata HOA software lets you customize dosage times for each person, accommodating patients’ lifestyles and complex medication regimens. (888) PARATA1 | www.parata.com | 2600 Meridian Parkway, Durham, N.C. CTHOA-SPEC-0714-.5k ©2014 Parata Systems, LLC. All rights reserved. Parata is a registered trademark of Parata Systems, LLC.
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