Group: PAT Group

Catalog excerpts

Pharmaceutical Industry Equipment and Services
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We are a mul�disciplinary group of enterprises, specialized in equipment manufacture and produc�ve projects analysis, advice and implementa�on. We offer comprehensive solu�ons to our clients, working with them in the en�re process and promo�ng through the joint-venture of the companies in our group. Somos un grupo mul�disciplinario de empresas, especializado en la fabricación de equipos y en el análisis, asesoramiento e implementación de proyectos produc�vos. Ofrecemos soluciones integrales a nuestros clientes, acompañándolos durante todo el proceso, e impulsando la sinergia mediante el...
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We design and build produc�ve process machineries in solid, liquid and semi solid lines as well as equipment for research and development. We design and build machinery of high precision and quality for powders compression, as well as complementary equipment of process. We provide services and integrate machines and process, according to customer and product needs. We close the circle between EQUIPMENT DESIGN, PRODUCTION PROCESS and PRODUCTION EFFICIENCY We are an engineering and construc�on company that oversees providing support in the loca�on of machinery in given areas and its adapta�on...
Open the catalog to page 3
Turnkey Proposal Plant equipment acquisi�on plan Added Value Valor Agregado Planificación en la adquisición de equipamiento para planta Business Sinergy Sinergia Empresarial Turnkey Projects Proyectos Llave en Mano Propuesta Llave en Mano PROCESSES PROCESOS Mul�disciplinary Mul�disciplinario Assesory Pre-sale Asesoría Pre-venta Equipment (Manufacturing) Equipamiento (Fabricación) Start up Puesta en Marcha Technology Transfer (Stage II) Transferencia Tecnológica (Etapa II) Technology Transfer (Stage I) Transferencia Tecnológica (Etapa I) Process Training Capacitacion en Procesos con Productos...
Open the catalog to page 4
Analysis and Integral Management Análisis y Ges�ón Integral We offer comprehensive solu�ons, providing consultancy and training to op�mize produc�on. We design plans according to your needs. With more than 30 years of experience behind our back, we specialize in the management of plant projects, the adapta�on of different layouts, produc�vity improvements in GxP environments, equipment/process integra�on and the development of new products. Ofrecemos soluciones integrales, brindando asesoría y capacitación para la op�mización produc�va. Diseñamos planes a la medida de sus necesidades. Con más...
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Analysis and Integral Management Análisis y Ges�ón Integral As part of the synergy that makes up our companies, at PAT Group we meet the needs of our clients by devising a plan that allows us to monitor and iden�fy their produc�on capaci�es in order to minimize their costs, improve the quality control of the products offered, op�mize efficiency (OEE) and maximize produc�vity in their manufacturing plant. We train your human capital throughout the produc�on process by integra�ng and centralising all the parameters that affect manufacturing, allowing us to detect points of improvement and apply...
Open the catalog to page 6
Process Technology Tecnologías de Proceso We offer equipment for solid, semi-solid and liquid lines. We have machinery for R&D accompanied by our produc�on equipment, in small and large volumes, which allows geometric, kinema�c and dynamic scaling. We have developed a system to wash and dry equipment automa�cally, achieving a reduc�on in water consump�on through safe and repe��ve processes with the purpose of obtaining a qualified cleaning valida�on. To complete our wide range of assistance, we provide the experience and knowledge of our chemists and pharmacists to support our customers in...
Open the catalog to page 8
Solid Produc�on Line Línea de Producción de Sólidos High Shear Mixer Granulator Roto Granulador de Alto Corte Vacuum Lance Lanza de Carga Calibrador Humedo Autoloading System Secador de Lecho Fluído Rotary Tablet Press Comprimidora Rota�va Columna Elevadora de Bines Vibratory Sieve Tamiz Vibratorio Calibrador Seco Metal Detector Detector de Metales Film Coa�ng Machine Paila de Recubrimiento Tablets Container Contenedor para tabletas Drums Column Li� Columna Elevadora de Cuñetes Double Cone Blender Direct Compression Mezclador de Doble Cono Compresión Directa Rotary Tablet Press Tablets...
Open the catalog to page 10
High Shear Mixer Granulator Roto Granulador de Alto Corte MIC high shear mixers are equipped to control cri�cal granula�on variables. The wide mixing speed range, the sensi�ve liquid flow control, different spray nozzles and the process completed by �me or torque measurement, allow a precise adjustment of the granula�on process. Powder mixing | Wet granulation Los mezcladores granuladores de alto corte MIC, están equipados e instrumentados para controlar variables crí�cas que regulan la granulación. El amplio rango de velocidad de mezclado, un sensible control de caudal de líquido a...
Open the catalog to page 11
Secador de Lecho Fluído ESSICCA fluid bed dryer introduces two very important prac�cal concepts: ● Op�miza�on of the drying process: Defines the op�mum air flow for a granulate based on the determina�on of the VMF (minimum fluidiza�on speed). ● Automa�on of the drying process: It makes the drying process of the operator independent through recipes. It allows es�ma�ng the final point of drying by monitoring the product temperature, El secador de lecho fluido ESSICCA introduce dos conceptos prác�cos de suma importancia: ● Op�mización del proceso de secado: Permite definir el caudal de aire óp�mo...
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Mezcla de polvos en seco Dry powder mixing Cone Mill Calibrator Molino Calibrador Cónico Granulates mixing CPS and CPM are impact and cut mills, which allow precise control of the variables of the solid par�cle calibra�on process (size reduc�on) both in raw materials and in dry and wet granules. Los calibradores cónicos CPS y CPM son molinos de impacto y corte, los cuales permiten controlar con precisión las variables del proceso de calibración de par�culas sólidas (reducción de tamaño) tanto en materias primas como en granulados secos y húmedos. Scratch mesh | Malla de rayado Calibrado de...
Open the catalog to page 13All PAT Group catalogs and technical brochures
Food Solutions
48 Pages
CPS Developer
2 Pages
CPM Line
2 Pages
TC 500
2 Pages
41 Pages
BVC (IBC Blender)
2 Pages
2 Pages
Archived catalogs
19 Pages
32 Pages
35 Pages